What happened to lightningmp3.com?


New member
Have been graciously using this site for awhile to upload mp3 versions for clients to preview without be able to download them. Haven't been able to access it in a few days.. hopefully it's not down for good.

And if so.. does anyone know another website that is similar to this one besides something like Soundclick? I loved the simplicity of it and only having to give the clients a link to the track without directions on how to listen to it..

much obliged,
Yeah Lightning was great. I guess it's dead? :confused:

I used Plunder.com for my last song. Seems to work okay.
ah but the problem is i don't want the client to actually be able to download the file...yet. just stream it first !

anyone else have any luck?
have you tried dropbox?


I think you choose whether its downloadable or not and you can host mp3s at any rate

2gb storage for free and and extra 250mb by using that link that gives me it too..plus its just a folder on your desktop..drop in the file and it autmatically updates online without you opening your browser..seems great so far
Earl, thanks for the link. I need some general storage space, and when I gather the gumption to actually post any of my music here, I'll use it then too.
Earl, thanks for the link. I need some general storage space, and when I gather the gumption to actually post any of my music here, I'll use it then too.

no probs...after using soundclick and reverbnation and hearing what they do to mp3s I find this drop box great...especially the workflow part of it..I was getting sick of my cymbal crashes sounding like some kind of space pad effect...now they may be out of time but at least they sound like cymbals ;)

btw it was guy on the hip hop forum that pointed this place out..good find