what guitar with POD or V-Amp?

If you only have half a guitar it's pretty difficult to find use for a POD or Vamp but if it's a full semi acoustic then, it's fine. Also depends on what you want to do ?
If you want to try to use an acoustic guitar w/ a pick-up through the pod to get a recorded electric guitar sound, you can try it. I did it once just for fun and got some interesting sounds, but it didn't sound like I was playing a true electric. The tone wasn't quite right and obviously you don't get the sustain from an acoustic that you get from an electric. I did get some cool blues sounds. Try and borrow a pod from somebody and just try stuff.
Oh, BTW if you meant that you want to use a semi-hollow or archtop electric with the pod then the answer is yes, of course.
I agree with hongtech that if you only have half of a guitar it will be tough. I guess it depends on which half you have :).
I agree.

If you have the inside half, it should be easy. That's where all the electronics are. Just plug right in.

ON the other hand, if all you have is the outside half, you're pretty much screwed.
