What freakin' pre?

SonicAlbert said:
As far as an external power supply, a lot of really high end gear uses external power supplies. I think many of us are used to the cheap and poorly shielded wall warts that come with budget gear. But an external power supply is actually a pretty good design as far as keeping the audio electronics away from any electrical interference. It isn't as convenient though, I agree with that. I personally do like the power supply inside the unit itself.
Yeah, but it's also a way to reduce the price of the unit. Once it has an internal power supply (aside from sheilding requirements for audio and power components) it needs to be certified ($$$) by UL or CSA or whatever is appropriate in the area. Different markets will have different standards associations, so it all drives the cost up. Wall warts are a cheap and effective solution, albeit possibly not very stylish.

You neededn't waste your breath on Chess - he's dug his heels in and won't budge. Forget that he, in my eyes at least, has lost a lot of cred from these two threads.

And as for Hartlett, he never had the cred to begin with. And certainly doesn't have it now.

You have nothing to prove here.

SonicAlbert said:
We already know from another thread that Rodger has never heard, used or even touched a BG-1. So he doesn't know one way or another anything about it, and certainly has no basis for making any kind of judgment on it.

I do agree with the part about not going through extra circuitry if it isn't adding anything desirable. That's just business as usual, anyone using their ears will automatically do that as they work.

In any kind of creative process one of the worst things one can do is be resistant. This kills the work flow, the creative flow, and raises everyone's hackles. If someone comes up with an idea, no matter how seemingly foolish it may appear, it's *always* better to say "let's try it" than argue about what a bad idea it is or why it won't work. It is always possible to be surprised and to learn something unexpected and good.

As far as an external power supply, a lot of really high end gear uses external power supplies. I think many of us are used to the cheap and poorly shielded wall warts that come with budget gear. But an external power supply is actually a pretty good design as far as keeping the audio electronics away from any electrical interference. It isn't as convenient though, I agree with that. I personally do like the power supply inside the unit itself.
fraserhutch said:
You neededn't waste your breath on Chess - he's dug his heels in and won't budge. Forget that he, in my eyes at least, has lost a lot of cred from these two threads.

And as for Hartlett, he never had the cred to begin with. And certainly doesn't have it now.

Why is it that someone who says things you disagree with -- or things that you don't want to hear -- has no cred ?

Aside from the fact that the guy is talking perfect sense ... he also seems to be pretty fluent in the terminology / lingo, and by all accounts appears to have a firm grasp of the subject matter which he is discussing.

chessrock said:
You win, alright. I lose. Case closed.
chessrock said:
This is the stupidest argument I've ever been a part of, and I'm ashamed of myself for taking part. It is truly an embarassment, and an abomination to mankind.

I thought the case was "closed". How many times are you going to argue the same point? I think we all get the point, you're not interested in expirementation and are critical of people who are.

Why don't we get back to the original question here.
It has nothing to do with whether I agree or disagree with you.

chessrock said:
Why is it that someone who says things you disagree with -- or things that you don't want to hear -- has no cred ?

Aside from the fact that the guy is talking perfect sense ... he also seems to be pretty fluent in the terminology / lingo, and by all accounts appears to have a firm grasp of the subject matter which he is discussing.


Some people have to be "right" at the expense of all else.

undermind said:
I thought the case was "closed". How many times are you going to argue the same point? I think we all get the point, you're not interested in expirementation and are critical of people who are.

Why don't we get back to the original question here.
undermind said:
I think we all get the point, you're not interested in expirementation and are critical of people who are.

I never said I wasn't interested in experimentation. I'm all for it. I just think that if you're going to experiment, then it should be done for the benefit of the audio and not to it's detriment. :D

Essentially what you're doing is taking a signal that is at line level ... through one D/A conversion process, bringing it's bit-rate down and decreasing it's dynamic range so as to match the input of a mic pre ... then changing the sound via an impedence mis-match that is likely to result in less definition and loss of high end ... then taking that and decreasing the signal/noise ratio yet again by running it through more electronics ... on the way to yet another A/D conversion, which, again raises the noise floor slightly and adds whatever other digital artifacts through resampling, etc. on the way back in to your system (assuming it's a DAW).

I guess I figure if I'm going to put my signal through that, I would hope that it would be for the sake of a lot more than simply running it through a solid state mic pre known for it's transparency.

The most drastic effect I can think of that might happen through this process would be an impedence mismatch due to running a line-level signal through a unit that is expecting mic-level. And if that's the sound you're after, I'm telling you there's far better ways of going about it without having to add the extra noise and a/d d/a conversions. Just whip out a good EQ. Plugin or outboard. Shit ... get a nice, decent priced analog EQ like a Speck, and have a lot more tonal options available to you.

If you want to get all crazy, then run some tracks through a Sansamp or even a big muff pie in parallel. Try one of those kickass MXR rackmount limiters on a drum bus. Try running your mix really hot to a reel-to-reel at 15 ips. Try an old spring reverb, or better yet re-amp it in to a big room. Put subliminal, backwards messages all over it. Do something interesting for crying out loud.

you know, if you imagine that chessrock and sonic albert are hot chicks having this argument in a fountain a la a bud light commercial, this thread actually is pretty cool :D
kojdogg said:
you know, if you imagine that chessrock and sonic albert are hot chicks having this argument in a fountain a la a bud light commercial, this thread actually is pretty cool :D

I'm finding it pretty fckin difficult to imagine those 2 as hot chicks. :p
chessrock said:
If I was a hot chick, I'd be making out with myself.

and that mr. op is the definitive answer to the question of what pre you should buy to get tubey warmth and lots of clean headroom :D!