what does the M-Audio Oxygen 8, Ozone, Radium do.....?


New member
what does the M-Audio Oxygen 8, Ozone, Radium do.....?

ummm hey,
I know this is a very dumb question. but what do they do. can they make synth sounds, or something. I read the details abut it but I'm not sure.
Or is it just a controller
i just bought one last week. they work of reason software. they have a bank of sounds that you can synth and mess around with. it is good value if your only starting out like i am.
All of the devices you mentioned are keyboard controllers and do not produce any sounds of their own. The Oxygen 8 and Ozone are basically the same unit, but the Ozone adds a 2x2 audio interface. Both of them only have 25 keys which I would find extremely limiting (kind of like a guitar with only three strings). The Radium series have more keys and more controls. I added a Radium 61 to my setup a year or so ago. I don't like the feel very much, but it's helpful to have an extra keyboard.

Since they're controllers, you need to add some sort of sound producing device to your setup for them to contorl, either softsynths or a hardware module.

Whether any of them are right for you depends on what it is that you're trying to do, your budget and what equipment you already have.

I hope that answers your question.
