what do you think of my sound?


New member
Okay it's been a while since I linked anything here... I have been practicing, and been doing a lot of lyrical writing lately, too... I am an untrained novice at singing and I am interested in just getting some feed back as to what others think of the sound of my voice overall. any promise in here? I have an eager musician friend who insists that I should sing, but I am not sure if he is just being generous to boost my ego- ya know?

please let me know what you think!

I apologize in advance for the shoddy quality of sound of the recording- I am in an apartment now so I can't sing as expressively as I would like to, and this is recorded by my laptop mic, very minor tweaking in cubase which I am also a novice to! nonetheless, this short clip is a more recent sampling of my sound. hope this is getting better >_<

Deserve to live? by besthellbunny on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
When you go downward on notes you go off pitch. Upward is great. Easy to hear when you sing without backing tracks. I would redo it if recording but for live you could probably get by.
Cool, thank you guys for the honest feedback. Seems the nasally thing is something that I keep reproducing, I will have to find a solution to that. Perhaps more diaphragm breathing exercises and such should assist, no? 0___o
Bunny... the ONLY problem i hear from not only your recording but also from your response "perhaps more diaghragm breathing exercises" is you are trying too hard to "sing" ...

I am a firm believer that singing isnt a science. obviously practicing and finding your voice and your techniques is the most important thing to do but the best singers dont think about singing, they just sing.

I can tell your not using your normal voice your producing this "singing voice" and its really stiffening you up.

Take some deep breaths, dont think, and just flow.