what do you think? First post in a while. folk-y rock-y song.


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The electric guitar tone is a little off. It is either breaking up too much, or not enough. I'd adjust that to make it stand out a bit more, it gets lost.

banjo is nice addition, but it gets a little boring without vocals it's hard to say though.

Verse distorted guitar is too distorted, maybe a fuzzier or heavier sound (with lower gain), or double track one that's just barely breaking up...it'll sound fuller.

Drums are all a little distant especially the overheads/cymbals. I'm not sure if you put reverb on, or if it's the room. If it's the room, I'd try to get them dry as possible and add some reverb.

Could be a cool song with some lyrics. It's so hard to judge incomplete songs.
Thanks for the thoughts. Yea, not sure what to do about the guitar...Was using my roommates 70's tele, think I might try it with my jaguar to see how it sounds. The overly distorted guitars are pretty much there just to throw it into chaos near the end. The reverb you hear is just just from the room, I'll definitely give the closer sound a try, I just enjoyed the kind of roomy sound for this style of music...but this drum track doesn't quite accomplish that.
Yeah that distorted tone is awful. It doesn't even sound like music. It basically just sounds like static. I kind of like the distant trashy drums. Only problem there is that there's no kick. I'd say get some kick in there and leave the overall drum sound as-is for a song like this.
Thanks for the comments Greg. I've actually been thinking about taking out the guitar there and using a different instrument...I think a monotron with some delay and reverb there might be kind of interesting. And thanks for the comments about the drums. You're right, the kind of distant thing works here, but there was something not right about it, so I will have to try adding some kick.
The only thing I could offer beyond what's been said is I'd probably take the reverb off of everything at least for now. It's making everything sound distant and not helping the mix.
I think come be more of a dynamic change between the verse and chorus, and yea the guitar would sound better clean or with some distorsion.
About the dynamic change you suggested, that will be accomplished by what I have planned for vocals. A wall of choir kind of harmonized vocals during the chorus.