What do you think about this one


New member
Seriously not having a recorder is driving me NUTS. So I've just listened thru my old demos and I found this song which I'm probably gonna scrap, coz my old (bitch-ho) vocalist sort-off wrote the lyrics, it's kinda cheesy and honestly I don't like playing clean guitar, even if it's just one intro verse. Or singing pop-punk vocals with an american accent either :rolleyes: :D

However, I listened to it and it sounded surprisingly good to me. Actually really damn good, and I recorded and mixed it just with my old Boss multitrack - no Cubase, no compression - and a 10 bucks dynamic microphone (with a pop shield :cool: ! ) .


So whatddaya think ?

the vocals are terrible, but I'm sure you knew that.

the song is kinda generic. sounds decent.

bright down the guitar, or remix it if you can at a later date. I dunno. Sounds like you don't really care too much about this song, but if you did this on an analog recorder, I can see why it sounds as good as it does without computer editing.

anyone, could you give me a review? the post above is mine.

Haha exactly, that's why I'm a guitarist, not a vocalist. Ironically enough I just had to step up as one because my ex-singer was even worse.

Yeah I don't really care about the song, it's one of the first ones I wrote so meh. But I was just abit amused by how it sounded much better than my later mixes I've done in Cubase, and I was curious if anyone else shared the same opinion.