What do I need here?


New member
I have hours of minidisc recordings of synth crap that I want to import into my laptop, edit out mistakes, mix levels, and put drums and other layers over top. I would also like to record live with my keyboard (maybe someday I'll try midi but too overwhelmed and confused right now). I ordered an M-audio 9900 sound card for my inputs, upgraded to 512 mb RAM, and an 80 gig hard drive. I have Reason 3.0 on my laptop now.

Basically, I need to know what the best software is for what I've described above. I don't think that Reason is what I was looking for. Are there plug ins that can acheive this with Reason or maybe just return it and go with something more suited for what I want?

Thanks for any help!!
That MAudio 9900 is only a midi interface - it's not going to help you trasfer any of your minidisc material to a laptop.

This would be a product that would work for you all the way around. I has line inputs to bring in the stereo signal from the minidisk, midi ports to add midi and drums and software to record your meisterwerks.

Also, I advise that you hold onto Reason.

And print out these two good articles on midi basics - part one and part two. Read them whenever you get a chance - they're written so almost any musician can understand them.
Nice, I think we have a winner!

I looked at the audio/ midi interface and boy did you nail it! It comes with the software I need and eveything. Only a few bucks more than the model I was looking at (without the software too). The only thing I'm cautious of is that it looks like the '1/4 ins are in mono? Is that true? If not I think this is it.

Thanks a lot man!

BTW This is the model I was looking at before M-AUDIO 9900-40727-00.