What do I do with these???


New member
Hey, I just downloaded some preamp and compressor impulses from noisevault, but I have no clue what to do with them. I use SIR with the reverb impulses...but what program should I use for the other types? Thanks.
Generally, you could still use SIR with a preamp and/or compressor impulse. What you would do is run SIR as a track insert as opposed to some sort of aux send style.
I've used SIR as a weird vocoder type thing by using my vocals as an impulse and playing synths through it. Sounds cool, but unlike a vocoder, you can't control the length of course, but are confined to the length of the vocal.

So, yeah, you could use SIR and other convolution reverbs for stuff other than reverbs too. All kinds of weird stuff can happen when you use "wrong" audio files. Try using samples of snare drums, cymbals, in general anything you can think of.