What did I do right, what did I do wrong? Please help me out!


New member
Ok, so I just got done recording myself in my closet with a Studio Projects C1, an M-Audio DMP3, and Cubase SX 2. I have a mix that I recorded, mixed, and mastered myself. I think it sounds pretty good, but I know it could be a lot better. So I am looking to find out what you guys think of the mix and what I could do to make it better.

I used Izotope Ozone 3 and Amplitube for my plugins.

Ok the song is called "I'll Find You," and you can hear it at http://purevolume.com/foreverdown/ It's the first song in the player.

I'm looking for any help or advice you guys can offer. if you have any questions for me, then please ask and if you have any recommendations on plugins or things I should look into that would help me out please let me know.

Thanks everyone

PS - I posted this in the wrong forum and I'm reposting it here.
It sounds like a lofi MP3, which is hard to judge alot of stuff on. The scoustic sound could be alot bigger, especially since it's mainly your only sound. I'd play with the eq on it. I really like the sound of the electric that comes in on the left. Don't be afraid to do crazy stuff with the eq on the acoustic. Really make that thing big to hold your song up for your vocal.
