What did I do right, what did I do wrong? Please help me out!


New member
Ok, so I just got done recording myself in my closet with a Studio Projects C1, an M-Audio DMP3, and Cubase SX 2. I have a mix that I recorded, mixed, and mastered myself. I think it sounds pretty good, but I know it could be a lot better. So I am looking to find out what you guys think of the mix and what I could do to make it better.

I used Izotope Ozone 3 and Amplitube for my plugins.

Ok the song is called "I'll Find You," and you can hear it at http://purevolume.com/foreverdown/ It's the first song in the player.

I'm looking for any help or advice you guys can offer. if you have any questions for me, then please ask and if you have any recommendations on plugins or things I should look into that would help me out please let me know.

Thanks everyone
it's the ass-end of emo....but the recording sounds good, try doubling some of those vox, just to see how it sounds....even mix them in just a bit. the guitar sound is really nice and bright! i like it.
hmm, not sure if "ass-end of emo" means that its very emo, or that its very bad emo. either way, thanks for the input. I'm really new to this, so when doubling the vocals I should duplicate that track and offset it by some amount of time? what's a good range to start at if that assumption is even close. Thanks!
you're a really good singer man. I like your tone. There are some pitch problems here and there...try and work on that. It's pretty much every time you have to sustain a note. It sounds like it's a lot of the vowel sounds that you hold out. So just watch that. Also, watch the pitch slide when you go up to your falsetto range. Try and get it to sound more smooth...but nice job getting the pitch right away.
The acoustic guitar I think is way too bright. I want some more lower end on that. How did you mic it?? Did you use the Studio Projects mic with that too? Try and get more of the lower strings. I think I'm wanting to hear it mainly 'cause the song is lacking bass, and it would sound good with the lower strings strumming along with the beat. I like the electric guitar though.

on the choruses...instead of doubling the vocals, add some MORE harmonies. I think that would add a lot to the song.
Overall good job though. I like the song and I think you have promise as a musician. Keep it up! :cool:
Its good and bright but it lacks in the low mids department.
I had it cranked and the speakers didnt move a centimeter.
Song is good. The Vocals sound a little crammed together in the chorus, in terms of phrasing.

Plus all of what BennyChico11 said, is good advise too.
Awesome thanks a lot guys. I really appreciate the advice. This is only a demo so I didn't go all out. As for the recording process, I used the C1 on the guitar and on the vocals. I recorded the guitar by aiming the mic at the 12th fret about a foot or so away. give or take a few inches. that ran into my preamp and then into cubase. I know what you mean about the lack of bass, I think most of my songs are lacking on that since I have a tenor voice. I plan on recording my next full length in December and before that I will be adding at least one other mic to my colleciton. Right now I have the C1, an SM57, and an SM58. I was thinking about getting an AKG 414 to record the guitar and maybe vocals. my friend has one and his recordings end up with a little more bass so I'd def like to have one for my guitar. I'm also looking at some waves plugins to get like the L2. My friend has that and he threw it on this song and it really made a big difference. (The version you all heard did not have the L2 on it). Thanks so much, any other suggestions, ideas?
the 414 would sound great on the guitar. you could throw that on the body of the guitar and the C1 on the 12th fret. but until you buy that I'd say put the C1 closer to the body. just move it around that area until you get the sound you like.
foreverdown said:
Thanks so much, any other suggestions, ideas?
You could try posting this in the mp3 clinic for review. Don't mean to sound rude but forum is supposed to be about mixing and mastering.
by 'doubling up the vox', i just meant....singing the same track a second time (not delaying it digitally). by doing this, you can mix the second take (or whatever take) in, and it makes it fuller by simply adding a natural variation. the vox are really good, but i think doubling up on the vox (even mixed in slightly) would really help fill it out. overall, the sound is really fuckin good though man!
your vox

It sounds like you're lacking some crispiness/clarity on the vox. (Maybe it's these new pc speaks I just got )R U using a mic pre-amp? What compression r u using? ( I didn't read all the replies so maybe this was already answered)
staticmaker said:
It sounds like you're lacking some crispiness/clarity on the vox. (Maybe it's these new pc speaks I just got )R U using a mic pre-amp? What compression r u using? ( I didn't read all the replies so maybe this was already answered)

hahaha, well i sure hope he's using a preamp. otherwise that's an amazing quality vocal if he didn't.
I am using a DMP3 for my preamp and I am not using any compression when I record. I do all the compression via the Ozone plugin.