What can foam be used for?


New member
My dad brought home some foam the other day from his work (for a guitar cabinet of mine). Its like 4 inches thick or so. He said they throw the stuff away up there.. I told him to keep bringing it home.

So my question is.... How could this foam be used for home recording? Are there any things that I could rig up?
You could use it for packing...

The acoustic foam is different than the stuff used for shipping. There is a reason why acoustic foam is $20 for a 2x4 sheet and shipping foam gets thrown in the trash by the truckload.
Topping up a cappuccino you eaten/slurped the froth from! (I did want to be ist with the beer thing!)
Oh NO! The Egg Crate Conceptual Discussion thread is up for renewal again.
I use foam between thing in my rack, to line the box I put around my comp to lessen its noise - there's stuff it'll do just not as well as acoustic foam. You can use it to craete a dead zone behind your mic.