What are your plans for New Year's Eve?

NYE? I was in bed relatively early (10.30pm) I've not been a NYE celebration person so no change this year - added to which Kim'n'I are down with viral bronchitis so couldn't do anything if we wanted to.
I did read & listen to music in bed for a couple of hours, as is my nightly habit, but didn't bother with anything else. I know 1/2 the country was watching the Sydney fireworks on the telly, (9pm for the kiddies and midnight EDST for the grown ups - though nothing else unless you're in Queensland where they refuse to accept Daylight Savings as it fades the curtains) - that's weird stuff as is spending AUS$7 1/2 mil on pretty lights when 1/2 the country is burning & the other 1/2 in flood.
Language is a funny thing - Gerry, in Oz we call the laundry room the laundry, what you probably call the laundry we call the washing and doing the dishes is referred to as washing up. Dry wall we referred to as gyprock, mudding as plastering and yet we speak and can, generally, understand each other rather well.
NYE? I was in bed relatively early (10.30pm) I've not been a NYE celebration person so no change this year - added to which Kim'n'I are down with viral bronchitis so couldn't do anything if we wanted to.
I did read & listen to music in bed for a couple of hours, as is my nightly habit, but didn't bother with anything else. I know 1/2 the country was watching the Sydney fireworks on the telly, (9pm for the kiddies and midnight EDST for the grown ups - though nothing else unless you're in Queensland where they refuse to accept Daylight Savings as it fades the curtains) - that's weird stuff as is spending AUS$7 1/2 mil on pretty lights when 1/2 the country is burning & the other 1/2 in flood.
Language is a funny thing - Gerry, in Oz we call the laundry room the laundry, what you probably call the laundry we call the washing and doing the dishes is referred to as washing up. Dry wall we referred to as gyprock, mudding as plastering and yet we speak and can, generally, understand each other rather well.

Still with you ray? The bronchitis thing I mean? Not good at all.

Sounds very much like the one I had. It's a mean mofo. I lasted 2 hours at work in the aircon on Christmas Eve, then was average on Christmas Day, bit better Boxing Day and largely OK, except for the occasional cough, since. Then, on New Year's Eve, I spent several hours in the (very mild) aircon at my girlfriend's place and started hacking and coughing and feeling less than stellar again. Aaaaaargh! And it's back to work tomorrow in the big air-conditioned office building.... yikes. The company's closed officially until the 11th but I made such a song and dance about coming back early that they let me, and it's not going to be a good look if I go down sick again...

Airconditioning is the devil ray. Avoid, avoid, avoid.... I ended up getting Panadeine Forte out of the doctor so I could get some sleep, and basically took codeine, either via those, or lower level Panadeine, every night for two weeks or more. If you're coughing at night, the other little gem I picked up was Duro Tuss Chesty Cough Forte - I had one night, after I should have been better, when every breath started a cough. One of those magic tablets killed the itch.

Good luck!

(I'm off to do the "washing up") ;)
Mr Smiff,
Yep, Doc. say possibly for a month!!!
Been mostly surviving on Codral Cold n Flu Night n Day tabs - codine in them is the magic I guess.
Fri night I coughed from midnight till 4.30am when exhaustion took over the slept until 11.30am.
I'll follow up on Duro Tuss Chesty Cough Forte tomorrow when the chemist is open.
Luckily I'm on school hols so don't have to do anything in particular though Kim'n'I are getting cabin fever and house work is piling up. Mind you I did some washing up today - items too large for the dishwasher and too precariously balanced to stay where they were.
Maybe you can isolate yourself away from the big egg machine at work!!!
On a more positive tack - when are you gong to post some of your new direction?
No codeine in the night Codrals ray... unless they're old - sometime back there they took it out - which is why I got the Panadeine Extras, and eventually when taking 3 of them at once didn't kill the headache, Panadeine Forte. Codrals have the new faux pseudoephedrine for a runny nose, which you probably don't have, and paracetemol for fever, which you probably do have, and codeine (day) for pain and fever, which you probably do have, and something to make you drowsy (night) which won't really overpower the coughing and the headache enough to actually work

On balance for me it was the headache keeping me awake, hence the night time codeine, and as much as I could get. I could live with it all during the day and just took straight Panadol and Neurofen to keep the fever under control, but at night I needed to suppress the cough and the headache, hence the codeine.

I'm working on a "thing" at the moment - lots of interweaving guitars as usual, 7/8 time for most of it with a longish 4/4 bit in the middle. Trouble is I'm weeks away from singing because of the bronchitis. Anyway, I'm just ironing out the "drums" at the moment, but all the instrumentation's done.

I actually have several things stacked up ready for vocals, just a bit light on for interesting subject matter to write about at the moment - but I sort of have an idea with for this latest one.

Give me a few weeks, hopefully I'll have something completed!

I'm at work now and the lungs are raw already. Another couple of hours and I'll have an early mark for the sake of not collapsing into a heap, again, methinks. Take care!
Just got home from my India trip, spent NYE in New Delhi, we were in bed by 11pm because we had arrived by overnight train the night before and was sleep deprived, but I jumped out of bed at Midnight and went to the roof to watch the crazy fireworks and the homemade hot air balloons get released.
