What are your opinions on these colors?


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59%20cherry%20burst%20thin%20red.jpgbahama%20blue%20flame.jpgbengal%20burst%20quilt.jpgbengal%20quilt.jpgmagenta%20pink.jpgI'm in the process of spec'ing out a Suhr guitar and these are a few of the color options available.I know the one that I like best but I would like to know what others find the most appealing.Reason being is that I am a total gear slut and the day will come when I sell it to finance something else.So I think a color that appeals to more folk than just me is important.
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Yeah, I like #1 best, too. The aqua looks cool, but I think it would get passe', and the magenta is hideous!
They're all hideous and cheesy and I'm so glad the 80's are long gone. Having said that, #3 is the least hideous to me.
not a fan of flamed tops at all...welcome to the 80s.

since they are all pretty bad, i'd go with the hot pink and gold hardware in #5.
Yes.Everything is an option, but I'm certain that I want a quilted maple top and it would just be wrong to paint something that pretty a solid color.
which is why I don't like tobacco bursts .... they cover up a significant portion of the grain that makes a top like that attractive. I went with just a transparent orange on my Stinnett because I wanted every bit of the quilt to show.
Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I can't say that any of them particularly appeal to me. So I would go either with the most conservative (i.e. the first), or the quirkiest (i.e. the pinky colour).
#3 for me. #1 is too common looking. #2 looks like a desktop background pattern for windows 3.11. #4 doesn't look finished and #5.......ghey!