What are the chances?


New member
Since the only pre-amp I have is a TUBE MP, I've been laying some drum overdubs with it. After about 2 hours, the darn thing quit giving me a signal. I assume I've blown the tube.

Question: would the drums cause this?
I'm assuming U r ref'ing to the Tube Mp OPL.

The Tube MP is basically an impedance-matcher *slash* D.I. box
and primarily used with dynamic microphones for amp mic'ing and line-level instruments. Unit is designed with an output limiter to control control peaks when gain is boosted. However, you run the risk of serious damage to the unit when using hi-sensitivity mics with hi-gain on overheads/snares since the MP only has a maximum input level of +14dbu's with XLR's and a +22dbu's with 1/4".

What type of mic's did you use?
Titanship said:
I use an AT 4033. I talked to a tech guy who assured me I fried the thing. Thanks.


I know your pain!:(

I nuked my 1st ever pre, the ART MP, by exceeding input level when I stoop-idly ran a Peavy bass amp w. hi-gain level straight thru the MP turning the unit into toast!!!
if you have blown it i very much doubt you have blown the tube. i don't know the unit but i assume it has a tubes sound buffer amp after the solid state input. its probaly a chip on the input.