What? An RE-20 like this?


Plugin Whore
okay, so long story short, I'm cruising Facebook earlier, find a group called "hug a guitarist day," so I check it out, and I run across a picture of Machine Head's bassist, and on his ampeg stack behind him, you can see an RE-20 out front.

I know that they're usually used for broadcast mics, like SM7's, which are good on bass cabs, but I've never heard of using one for a bass cab before I saw this.

Is that uncommon, or am I just naive?

But hell, if it sounds alright....use it! :cool:
well damn, seriously?

Naive, then!

I've heard of (well, in studio) SM7's, D112's, D6, etc, but I guess that I don't look into micing bass amps enough.

Hoorah for direct in!

It's also favored by a lot of drummers as a kick mic.
It is a very versatile mic.
What kind of kic sound do you go for, though? I record primarily metal and hardcore projects, so I like a really nice, punchy kick (D6 + Beta 52, anyone?). I imagine it might give more of a just solid "bass" sound, not punch.

I'm curious about these, now :cool: I might have to pick one up! Just saw one on Craig's list yesterday for $220