wharfedale question....


scott swatzell
i am considering the purchase of a mid-range, priced pair of monitors (ie, m-audio bx's, wharfedale 8.2a's, samson rubicons, etc..250 to 400 bucks). i am intrigued by the bx-5 and bx-8's, but based on what i have read on the this forum, etc..the bx-5 seem to lack in base response, however, the bx-8 seem to have other issues even though you can capture a good bass sound. the wharfedales seem to get a solid rating by most that have used them. question i have is this...do the wharfedale's capture the lows sufficiently such that a sub is not a 'requirement'? i will definitely be listening to many of these soon, but would like to get some feedback from those that have first hand experience w/these products. thanks.
i think anything under an 8 inch woofer will require a sub, but the wharfedales definatley capture enough bass better the the bx5s.....................
notbradsohner said:
i think anything under an 8 inch woofer will require a sub, but the wharfedales definatley capture enough bass better the the bx5s.....................

i guess that really is what i'm asking...do they capture enough bass that i can avoid dealing with a sub?...sounds like the wharfs may be ok for that :confused:

notbradsohner, have you used/listened to bx5's, bx8's and the wharfdales?
Haven't hear the wharfs, but I wouldn't get the BX5s if I were you. I went to GC and listened to a bunch of different monitors...hearing the BX5s, BX8s and other monitors in that general price range was enough to get me to hold off for a few months until I could afford a use pair of Mackie HR824. It turned out to be a very good decision.

You might want to check out the new Tannoy Active Reveals. They're actually not bad, a little weak on the bass side of things but much better than anything else I've heard in that price range. I'm sure you've heard this before, but if it all possible take some CDs you are familiar with and listen to the monitors you're considering. Testing out gear that you're going to buy is always a good idea, but I think it's especially crucial with monitors.
EleKtriKaz said:
Haven't hear the wharfs, but I wouldn't get the BX5s if I were you. I went to GC and listened to a bunch of different monitors...hearing the BX5s, BX8s and other monitors in that general price range was enough to get me to hold off for a few months until I could afford a use pair of Mackie HR824. It turned out to be a very good decision.

You might want to check out the new Tannoy Active Reveals. They're actually not bad, a little weak on the bass side of things but much better than anything else I've heard in that price range. I'm sure you've heard this before, but if it all possible take some CDs you are familiar with and listen to the monitors you're considering. Testing out gear that you're going to buy is always a good idea, but I think it's especially crucial with monitors.

EleKtriKaz, i was planning on going by gc and doing just what you did...we just had one that opened the other day...will wait till the 'crowd' dies down a bit and take a few cd's in and do that...will also hit a local store that carries the wharfs. what price range do the tannoy actives fall in?
I believe the ones I heard are the ones that go for around $320, but there seem to be different tannoy reveals. I know the ones I heard are red, don't know if the different versions come in all the different colors or not.
It would depend more on the size of your room if you would really need a sub. In a small untreated room a sub could do more damage then good.
I use a pair of the Tannoy Reveal passive monitors. We don't need no stinkin' subwoofers....

Seriously: IMO the value of good nearfield monitors lies much more in their revealing accurately what's going on in the really-important midrange. If I want to know what's present at 40 hz, I'll take the mix upstairs to my Altec VOTs.
AGCurry said:
I use a pair of the Tannoy Reveal passive monitors. We don't need no stinkin' subwoofers....

Seriously: IMO the value of good nearfield monitors lies much more in their revealing accurately what's going on in the really-important midrange. If I want to know what's present at 40 hz, I'll take the mix upstairs to my Altec VOTs.

I understand what you're trying to say, but come on..."bass" isn't 40hz. When people talk about low end reproduction in monitors, they're talking about 72hz to as high as 400hz. I'm not saying everyone needs a sub (I don't use one) I just think accurate low end reproduction is EXTREMELY important. Nothing can throw off your mixes like a distorted low end picture. That's why people like Ethan talk about how it's not possible to absorb/trap/diffuse too much low end in a room.
yes you need a sub for active 8,2 or a pair of big speakers to a/b them. Mixing subs on wharfedales is like playing roulette.

imo, if your doing low hz end heavy bass crap, most modern stuff...
seems it'd be wise to check it on a monitor/sub.

if you can't hear it how would you know what's there?

if nearfields were a way for the pro's to hear their mixes thru the average joe/peasent setup...instead of their $10,000 monitors,
wouldn't a satellite/sub be the average joe's setup.. nowadays?

or plastic little computer speakers. it amazes me how much music gets played thru little plastic computer shit speakers by my kids and thier friends..MP3 type stuff????
not that my childhood scratchy record player with a quarter taped on the arm to keep it from skipping, (& that could be folded up like a suitcase!),
was hi-end. :)
what type of music will you be working with? I don't do anything that is bass heavy and the wharfedale 8.2a's are working fine for me. I just recently started doing some test mixes with them and they seem to be working for me in my fairly small, acoustically untreated room. Some high points for the 8.2a's are that they have good imaging and are easy on my ears, no harshness, even when I crank em up loud. I don't regret buying mine.
TravisinFlorida said:
what type of music will you be working with? I don't do anything that is bass heavy and the wharfedale 8.2a's are working fine for me. I just recently started doing some test mixes with them and they seem to be working for me in my fairly small, acoustically untreated room. Some high points for the 8.2a's are that they have good imaging and are easy on my ears, no harshness, even when I crank em up loud. I don't regret buying mine.

travis-i am not anticipating on working with 'bass heavy' music (ie, hiphop, rap, etc). however, i do want to have the capacity to get a good image of the bass response (i'm a drummer :p ). i guess that is my concern about going with say a 6.5" woofer (wharfedale) as opposed to going with either an 8" or some type of sub. i would like to keep it simple as my space is somewhat limited. am planning on going to do a block of listening next week...
went good, i guess.... :confused: ....not sure what i learned...i know what sounded good to me for the configuration that gc had them in..i have one other retailer in the area that has some different brands that i am going to audition as well...hope to get by there tomorrow....i started a new thread as a result of my visit...you may be interested.


i also have one other retailer that is wharf dealer, but does not have any 8.2's in stock. i am going to try and talk them into ordering some so that i can listen to...
shortness said:
went good, i guess.... :confused: ....not sure what i learned...i know what sounded good to me for the configuration that gc had them in..i have one other retailer in the area that has some different brands that i am going to audition as well...hope to get by there tomorrow....i started a new thread as a result of my visit...you may be interested.


i also have one other retailer that is wharf dealer, but does not have any 8.2's in stock. i am going to try and talk them into ordering some so that i can listen to...

another reason i got the wharf's. i could'nt afford a good power amp. i think i paid like $260 for mine but they have some cosmetic blemishes.

TravisinFlorida said:
another reason i got the wharf's. i could'nt afford a good power amp. i think i paid like $260 for mine but they have some cosmetic blemishes.

hell, i'd take a blemish any day if they sound good.

plus the $$$ saved can go to some materials..like Ethan's DIY Bass traps?
703pads + 1"x4"er's + some cloth and your in business!
I did some & posted on the let me see your studio thread. They really are so simple to build and better yet cheap!

Ethan's article in the 1995 Electronic Musician magazine is a good read...many times over. (plus theres the free drawing on building your own!)