Western Diddy

What can i do to improve this mix?

Neat tune.
Lets see.... I might EQ the acoustic guitar a bit... seems to be choking on its low mids. The acoustic and the bass guitar seem to be fighting for space, and it's muddying up the center a bit... so I would prolly EQ the bass a bit as well.... not sure where that mud is at... it doesn't sound like the usual culprit (250k) but it could be... only one way to find out!:D

The high-hat sounds a little weird, like it's in a different room than the rest of the drum kit. Is there a lot of reverb on the high-hat?
Your b-bender licks sound cool! I'd prolly put more compression on the electric guitar though. I'd also drop the reverb in favor of a delay line. The reverb seems to be contributing to the mud... of course I've been wrong before. Just today in fact, 50 or 60 times. :o

These are just suggestions of things I might try, upon first listen. Take the suggestions at face value... and that is simply things to try and see how it sounds...


thanks i think the bass is too low but i just dont want that nasty picking sound.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "nasty picking sound," but if you are talking about the attack of the string when a bass is played with a pick, you should be able to tame that with compression and an EQ cut in the correct offensive frequency.
is there any way i can get the hats to stick out?

Maybe. If there is some effect on the on the overheads (like reverb or something else) Try minimizing it. There's also a good possibility that if you had a seperate snare microphone that the high-hat bled into it. You could add some highs to the snare and see if that brings the hats out a bit.


Yes - some eq to the bass frequencies would pull the bass definition a bit more. I do like the bottom end in the guitars - nice and full - but it doesn't leave much space for the bass. The drums have a lot of room on them, you can hear the roominess. This sounds like a lively recording area. Cool tune too....excellent geetar playing...
