Well.... Here Goes.......... Again.

Personally I would tone it down a bit with the reverb. It sounds like you're just trying to cover up the vocals rather than make an artistic statement.
Personally I would tone it down a bit with the reverb. It sounds like you're just trying to cover up the vocals rather than make an artistic statement.

It may be a reflection of the fact that I am very hard of hearing. I can hear my voice just fine. The reverb is just right for my ears, but I had wondered what others thought and if it would be too much for those with good hearing. I have bring the reverb up front in order for me to the effect I might hear if I had good ears.
The artist reason for the reverb was to give it a dreamy/reflective/looking back kind of feel. May have been the wrong effect.

You're not alone. Others share your same thoughts.

Thanks for your input.