Weird issue when changing string gauges


New member
So I recently swapped the stock strings on a PRS for a set of Ernie Ball Heavy Bottom, Slinky Tops (52-10) and it has caused a really strange problem. The intonation at the 12th fret is still right but it is somehow off throughout the rest of the guitar. For example, if you tune the open strings with a tuner so that everything is perfect, then check that tuning with 5th and 7th fret harmonics the harmonics are way off. Anyone have any ideas about what might be going on? Cheers!
I assume the PRS has adjustable saddles for each string? If so, you may need to adjust the saddles. I don't play electric, but I do know a change in guages results in a change in tension on the neck.
Anyone have any ideas about what might be going on?

Truss rod, when putting heavier strings on, there is more tension on the top of the neck = more bowing or "relief".


Saddle position, different strings also require different scale length, foward or back adjustment of the saddle, this also has to be adjusted with height adjustments.

Your best bet (assuming you bought it at a local dealer) is to bring it to the store and have them (or thier guy) set it up, they might even do it for free. tell them you put "your" strings on and it sounds terrible now, ask about a "loaner" while they have it if you need one.
Ok, I think I have the problem figured out. It was driving me nuts because it's not like this is the first set up I have done, but it is the first time I have encountered a bridge like this. This specific guitar has the most basic bridge PRS offers on it. It does not have independently adjustable saddles for each string, only a screw on each end near the mounting bolts that move the bridge at a hole. Super convinient if you are using 42-9's like the guitar comes with, but when you try to put heavy bottom light top type strings on it the pre-set bridge can't cope with it. It feels good to have figured it out and proven to myself that I'm not loosing it, but it is still frusterating in the sense that now I have to at least go out and get a more standard set of strings and might even have to upgrade to the adjustable bridge.

Anyone know what a PRS adjustable stoptail is worth?