Weird File Image

Dan Merrill

New member
I was recording an scratch overdub vocal today at the end of a session and had something happen I've never seen before. The wave draw couldn't keep up with song track as it was recording. (I only had about 14 tracks playing although the project file is almost 5GB) After we finished the take, on playback, the vocal file was way out of time with the track. Here's the even weirder part: the image file did not match the playback. i.e. the vocal would start playing, then a bit later the spikes on the image file showed a signal. I was able to eventually slide the vocal track to get it to play at the right time, but how do i get the image file to redraw properly?

Anybody ever seen this anomalie and/or know what caused it?
I personally don't have the image drawn as I'm recording. Have you tried to recreate the problem with the drawing enabled?
I always have it draw, never had a prob. I've got a fairly hefty dual processor set up and have never had any probs. I did a session this AM everything works fine. As I said that one instance was just weird.

The problem now is how to get that one audio file repaired or back to normal so i can use and edit it. Even in the wave edit window, it's funky
What about exporting that single track as an audio mixdown to wavelab/ similar audio editor if you have one it see how it works in there. If it's all good import it back and see how it looks.

if that doesn't work what about recording the track live to wavelab from cubase saving it as a mono .wav and importing! or sync an external recorder and record it on to that then back into cubase.
Yeah, all you have to do is go into the Images folder in the project folder...
And delete the image file. They redraw when you go into the project again.
Easto and Disposable are indeed the winners here... worked like a charm. I guess the the computer must have choked a bit while I was recording that take.

thanks guys!