Weird feedback in one guitar note - Magix


New member
I'm working on a guitar track using stock World Guitar notes from the soundpool - it sounds like a mandolin or balalaika. I got the notes and rhythm set and then started playing with stretching and sustaining notes and placing rests. Somewhere in there, I noticed a strange ring of feedback in a single note. After a bit of research I discovered it's inherent in the sound bite. The ring must've been emphasized by some of my adjustments.

Using Magix Music Maker. Any ideas how to reduce or eliminate the feedback effect? I'll probably try changing the pitch of a near note and trashing the original note, first...

BTW, I'd really like to get the tune for this track recorded live or off a keyboard, but I don't have the resources quite yet. The internal keyboard is disabled until I purchase the software full version.
Stretching and pitching samples can often emphasize different resonances in the sound. A parametric EQ will help you here. Using a narrow Q you should be able to remove the problem frequency.