
Brian Grey

New member
I've been trying to figure out away to get more hits at the website on the weekends, and I think I may have figured it out. What if I bought a webcam, docked my computer down in the studio, and set the camera up so people could watch us build on the weekend? :) The idea sounds completely silly, but I think it could be cool. Now, if I just knew how to set up a webcam, and had the money to get one... Anyone have any ideas? :) doesn't the idea of watching 3 sweety guys work on a studio sound great? Haha. Ok, maybe I've just got a bit too much time on my hands....


Oh yeah, that link one more time... http://www.greysfiles.com/Studio/Index.htm
Umm... I meant Sweaty... joking anyway...

Ok, I was only joking anyway about the entire posting... but if you want to get all technical about it, I meant to type sweAty, with an A.
Would you like to proof read all the posts and return your findings to me? I want all mis spellings and grammer errors... :) Just call me professor Grey.
Actually the webcam is a good idea....maybe more for a completed studio though...so people can see you when you work in the studio.

Can't help you with the set up of it though!
Brian, that's a most excellent idea!!!!!!!!
I've also considered hooking up my web-cam to do the same
thing and call the program "How To Construct A Wierd Lookin' Iso-Booth On A Budget of $3.37 And A Bologna Sandwich!"(long title huh? :) ). I'm seriously thinking about doing this feature right after the Holidays.
Go for it Brian. You know I gotta' big mouth and you know I'm gonna' make a specfic thread informing everyone what you're gonna do!
woah settle down Mr. Q

Don't go telling everyone that I'm going to set up a webcam in my studio so they can watch me. I was completely joking :) If... and I emphasise IF... I had the time, the know-how, and the camera, I'd do it. Since I don't have time, I don't know how, and I have no camera, the chances of me doing it are very slim.

But Mr. Q, if you'd like to help me, you can post a new thread telling everyone to go to the site just because. I'm doing a project for my statistics class, I'm using stats I'm gathering from my site. So far my theory is wrong, that the hits go up as we add more studios. So far it looks like the hits go up for a little while, and then settle down. I guess I'll have to change my theory... to something more real like, the hits go up slowly but steady all the time :)

I think there's a way to do it low-budget with one of those X-10 jobs you see all over the internet. You know, the one with the tits-and-ass trading frames in the advertisement banner with the camera. It's like $100 or so, pretty cheap, and it's wireless if you want that.

Also, you can set it up so that it's motion-activated, and when motion is detected, your computer records those frames. I always thought that would make a most EXCELLENT security system.

Of course, it's a SHITTY idea if they steal your computer. hehe.
It wouldn't be a bad idea for taking stills of the band playing, too. Supply those photos for their CD liners or whatever. And if you want to record, say, someone outside banging on a carhood, it would make a good "window" to the outside "sound booth."