Ways to record Drums

shortness - thankyou for adding your clips. :) Nice playing.

Steal Sessions - sure is fine by me. Thankyou for adding your clips to the list. By getting a large range of mics used and the different configs, hopefully people will notice the subtle diffrences, but also learn about how much the positioning and choice of mic dictates the sound.

Very good idea to keep the webpage with it's own pics and clips. Thankyou for doing that.

capnkid - There are hunderds of threads about what mics to get. If you look at what mics the people who post their clips here you'll see the possibilites.

solo169 - Nice drumming as well. Thanks for adding your clips. Thankyou for going into the detail. It's in the detail that you notice the differences.

Keep them coming guys. :D
drummerdude666 said:
Steal Sessions - sure is fine by me. Thankyou for adding your clips to the list. By getting a large range of mics used and the different configs, hopefully people will notice the subtle diffrences, but also learn about how much the positioning and choice of mic dictates the sound.

Very good idea to keep the webpage with it's own pics and clips. Thankyou for doing that.

Sure, no problem. I'm planning on adding mucho more.. when the time is right.. There is plenty good info here and on other forums.. I'll try to extract the important stuff and great data like this (clips and pics) so people can hear for themselved what drumheads, kits, cymbals, mics and placement do with sounds..

I'm a bit heasitant to post solo169's stuff since there are no images available.. and the clips have been processed a bit.. but what the heck.. it's up to the reader/listener to take whatever is usefull on that page anyways. :D

Ok. well lets keep this thread going. Any more people have things to show us?

There MUST be. Look how many people have viewed this thread, so many of you MUST have recorded drums.
drummerdude666 said:
Ok. well lets keep this thread going. Any more people have things to show us?

There MUST be. Look how many people have viewed this thread, so many of you MUST have recorded drums.

My drummer is coming over to record tomorrow. I will try to post some clips if I can figure out how.

ill be posting clips very soon, but im not sure if ill be able to get pics up for a little while. I could explain what equipment im using and how it is set up, but i won't be able to proivde images for a ltitle while.
msmales555 said:
ill be posting clips very soon, but im not sure if ill be able to get pics up for a little while. I could explain what equipment im using and how it is set up, but i won't be able to proivde images for a ltitle while.
Post the clips with the explaination, then once you have your pics edit your post to include the pics. That way everything is nice and tidy. :)

Edwonbass - www.lightningmp3.com
drummerdude666 said:
Post the clips with the explaination, then once you have your pics edit your post to include the pics. That way everything is nice and tidy. :)

Edwonbass - www.lightningmp3.com

Thanks DD, that's a big help. I should be able to get something up in the next couple of days. We track drums tonight. Well, that's the plan anyway.
Drum Clip

I recorded a surf song with my friend yesterday night and these are the raw drum tracks from our session. There is no EQ or effects on any of the tracks in the clip.

Drum Clip

My kit:

Tama Starclassic Performer EFX (18x22 BD, 11x14 HT, 16x16 FT) Snare: Tama Starclassic G-Maple 8"x14"
Cymbals: Paiste 2002: 18" crash, 18" medium, 20" heavy ride, 14" SH edge Hihats.

-toms were tuned very low and loose. snare had a medium top tuning with a tighter resonant head. bass drum was tuned low and loose with a tighter resonant head.
-14" tom was mounted on a snare stand.

- pinstripes on toms and bass drum, coated ambassador on snare.

*No muffling was used aside from a small rolled up blanket inside the bass drum that was laid against the resonant head.

-size 5A sticks were used.


-SM57 (snare - positioned about 1" from the rim and 1.5" from head, pointed towards the center of the head),
-AKG D112 (Bass Drum - inside about 8" from beater, pointed directly at wooden beater/kevlar kick pad),
-(2) AKG C1000S (Toms - clipped on rim pointed about 1" from rim 1" from head),
-(2) Sm81s (X/Y'ed Overheads - 1-1/2 feet above crash cymbals)

Room: Large carpeted bedroom with no sound treatment.

Everything went directly into my Firepod and into Cubase LE.

That's all of the info that I could think of to include. Hopefulyl I'll be adding some pics within a few days. . . .im going to most likely be purchasing a digital camera this weekend.

* you can hear a little bit of bleed from the guitar within the clip, we recorded everything in the same room and tried to isolate the drums and guitar as best as possible.

Thanks for reading! :)
Hell, I could use some of those "crap" mics.

Were there a contest for crappy mics/set-ups, I think I'd prolly be near the top of the heap. :D But...you gotta make do with whatcha got, right?

The songs on this page:


were recorded with this kit:

drum pic 1

drum pic 2

Kick and mounted tom are Cortley. Floor tom is...anybody's guess. I bought this kit (also have the Cortley snare) from a friend of mine in college for $100.00 (included the hi-hat stand, an old Slingerland kick pedal and, I think, a cymbal stand that is long-gone). Snare is a Tama Artist Series piccolo given to me by a band for whom I filled in on drums for some shows. Ride is an old Paiste 2002. Hi-hats and 16" crash are Sabian B8 Pros. Two other crashes are Meinl's.

I have a 57 on the snare, one Audio Technica mic (no clue as to the model...they were 2 for cheap at Guitar Center about 6 - 7 years ago) on each tom, and some 58 copy (brand name on it is "OEM") on the kick.

I run all 4 mics to a little Phonic mixing board and dump it down to one track.

Three of the tracks were recorded with my Fostex XR-5 cassette 4-track, and there was a little EQ added during mixdown. One track ("won't be hard (to say goodbye)" was recorded last weekend on the Boss BR-532 I purchased recently, and I found out that I couldn't add EQ during mixdown, so that drum track has absolutely no EQ on it at all.

Punk rock!
HAh! That was pretty darn good!.......I mean even the whole song(s). The vocals were a bit dry and muffled for my taste though. :)

I really liked the guitar sounds!
WERNER 1 said:
HAh! That was pretty darn good!.......I mean even the whole song(s). The vocals were a bit dry and muffled for my taste though. :)

I really liked the guitar sounds!

Not sure if that reply was about my stuff, but if it was...thanks!

About the vocals, though... I really don't fancy myself a vocalist in any regard, so I don't spend much time on them. I track them as best I can with a 57 and that's about it. It's just me right now, so I'm just doing them so they'd have some. *shrug*
Yes, it was in regards to your sound clips/songs..

Your voice is fine I think, but the eq'ing of it could really make it ...well better (Like a little crispyness to it or something...) :)

I'm diggin' the drums as I've got a very modest kit, but I do have some good (decent) mics and a Delta 1010 (along with a DMP3 and a 2- VTB-1's :) )

Keeps me staying positive that I will be able to get some pretty nice sounds out of what I've got............Now I've just got to learn how to do it. :(


Would anyone be willing to record a sound check on a drum set and record it..

I am looking to learn how to record drums.. and i need the sound... so i can compare it to mine..

also if you could tell me the EQ you used...
Harlequin Man said:

Would anyone be willing to record a sound check on a drum set and record it..

I am looking to learn how to record drums.. and i need the sound... so i can compare it to mine..

also if you could tell me the EQ you used...
Sure, but i have no idea what you mean.

You want somebody to record a soundcheck (ie 5 snare hits, 5 kick hits etc)?
Is that it?
msmales555 said:
I recorded a surf song with my friend yesterday night and these are the raw drum tracks from our session. There is no EQ or effects on any of the tracks in the clip.

Drum Clip

My kit:

Tama Starclassic Performer EFX (18x22 BD, 11x14 HT, 16x16 FT) Snare: Tama Starclassic G-Maple 8"x14"
Cymbals: Paiste 2002: 18" crash, 18" medium, 20" heavy ride, 14" SH edge Hihats.

-toms were tuned very low and loose. snare had a medium top tuning with a tighter resonant head. bass drum was tuned low and loose with a tighter resonant head.
-14" tom was mounted on a snare stand.

- pinstripes on toms and bass drum, coated ambassador on snare.

*No muffling was used aside from a small rolled up blanket inside the bass drum that was laid against the resonant head.

-size 5A sticks were used.


-SM57 (snare - positioned about 1" from the rim and 1.5" from head, pointed towards the center of the head),
-AKG D112 (Bass Drum - inside about 8" from beater, pointed directly at wooden beater/kevlar kick pad),
-(2) AKG C1000S (Toms - clipped on rim pointed about 1" from rim 1" from head),
-(2) Sm81s (X/Y'ed Overheads - 1-1/2 feet above crash cymbals)

Room: Large carpeted bedroom with no sound treatment.

Everything went directly into my Firepod and into Cubase LE.

That's all of the info that I could think of to include. Hopefulyl I'll be adding some pics within a few days. . . .im going to most likely be purchasing a digital camera this weekend.

* you can hear a little bit of bleed from the guitar within the clip, we recorded everything in the same room and tried to isolate the drums and guitar as best as possible.

Thanks for reading! :)

the recording sounds awesome. what did you use to isolate the instruments, and was the drummer wearing headphones?

basically i need a few hits on each drum of an EQ'-ed drum..

I take the samples and try to replicate the sound as close as I can...
I'm 15 and am trying to learn how to make enerything sound right..
treymonfauntre said:
the recording sounds awesome. what did you use to isolate the instruments, and was the drummer wearing headphones?

hey, thanks for the compliment. we really didn't use anything in particular to isolate the guitar amp from the drums. im going to edit my original post soon and add some photos of how everything was setup. basically though, all we did was move the guitar amp to other side of my tv stand and pointed it in the same direction as the drusm. that way, the majority of the sound didn't head straight for the drum mics. I actually didn't wear headphones while we recorded the guitar and drums either. I was able to hear him well enough to play along.

Great stuff.. the recording with guitar bleed is great, the bleed is minimal, even without advanced seperation used. Nice to know that extreme seperation measures are not always required..

I've added the 3 new posts with clips and images on the webpage I made. I've copied the text, mp3's and images to my website, I hope that's Ok with solo, hiwatt and msmales :D ?
I know you said those Nadys were crap mics, but where did you manage to find them for that cheap? They sound pretty good in your recording, and I can't even seem to get them on ebay for that cheap (not yet anyway).