Ways to improve Integrated Audio?


New member
Hey guys,

I have just began recording.. using my laptop and Cakewalk guitar tracks and also Magix Studio 10. I have an IBM Thinkpad with the integrated soundmax AC 97 card. I have trried using the USB External Sound BLaster card... but that skipped like mad. Anyone know of some software I can use to improve the sound capabilities of the cheap integrated audio? On a huge budget here... any help greatly appreciated. THanks.
i really dont think that there is any way to improve the sound of your recordings through the AC 97.... my laptop also has an AC 97, and i gave up trying to record on it, and stuck with my desktop. the AC 97 is pretty noisy, and has that annoying ass hisssssssssssssssss throughout.

now i could be wrong when i say that there is practically nothing that will improve the sound of the good ol AC 97, but im pretty sure there isnt.... unless you bypass it completely -- a usb or firewire interface for instance.

i have an alesis multimix 16 usb, and it got rid of that hisssssssssss on my laptop. do a google on "alesis multimix 8 usb" -- theyre the same thing as the 16, only less channels. only 150 bucks, but i dont know what your budget is. its a nice lil mixer, and is really all you need if youre just doing it for fun. but i dont know what your needs are, so i cant really give you a well suited recommendation.

maybe someone else will have some ideas.

hope this helped
If you can find an affordable [to you] alternative I would recommend it.

No one will endorse onboard sound, except maybe a teenage Comp USA salesperson who might say soundcards are all the same in spite of the price differences.
Yeah... I have tried the USB Soundblaster Live... but that thing sucked... works horrible with my Laptop here. I do have a Eurorack UB802 that I use but that of course.. needs to run into the sound card. I will try a usb mixer. That sounds like a good alternative. YES THE HISSSSSS OMG THE HISSSSSSS! I HATE IT!
So here is my thought with this ASIO AUDIO 4 all program. How about I re install the external Sound Blaster Live card... and use this nice handy program with it? I imagine that would perhaps work fairly well. When I tried the external Sound Blaster Live before... I got all the skips and shit with it. I would imagine this ASIO Audio program should help with that as well? Also... keep in mind I am also using a Behringer Euroback UB802 mixer going into the external.... I am going to play... I think I can get somthing half ass descent going until I can afford a kick ass recording machine. Check out some of the crap I have played with so far. Tell me what you think? Any suggestions are greately appreciated. I am using both Cakewalk Guitar Tracks 3.0 and Magix Studio 10... playing along with drum loops.
