Waylon Jennings cover

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You Are The Walrus
I'm a HUGE Waylon fan (even though I'm a metalhead) I got my band to agree to record this song with me.

I had to bring in a harmonica player and had never recorded a harmonica before. I'm not overly happy with the result but I plan to bring other harp players in, in the future. Any advice on recording these little metal things would be appreciated.

I should add that the harmonica part isn't all that prominent as it kind of fades in and out for color.. but you CAN hear it. Also, if you hate my drum sound on this one feel free to stab me in the ears. Never to old, or young to learn something..

I'm also a fan of Waylon, and country of that era generally. It's a good cover. The one suggestion I would make is that the vocal has to stand out front more. It's too low and dripping with reverb. The voice is the song.
Having never heard the song or recording before, I'm looking at it a bit differently than Robus. But I, too, feel that the vocal is very drenched in verb. The singer is very far away from the mic, and is it slightly to the left? The drums sound more forward than the vocal does, ya? Not a bad job at all, it's quite good, just a few tweaks perhaps. I can see if you're satisfied with it as it is too though.
Fricking great job! I was fine with the vocals as they are but I am not a mastering engineer just a hack musician trying to get some tracks down with a LOT to learn. Maybe a smidge more up front but just a smidge IMO.

Great musicianship brother!
Thanks guys for the kind, and constructive words.

Yeah I may have overdone it with the vocal verb. On the original Waylon recording he has a similar thing going on but I get what you're saying. Also by adding that much reverb it makes me sound like I was 12 inches from the mic when in fact I was about 6' away.

I think I may remix it with the (less would be more) approach.

Thanks again, much appreciated.
Very interesting mix. It sounds like the singers and the pickers are physically behind the drums.

Good cover.
Great performance. This version actually drives a little more, which is awesome, but the mix is a little fucked up. You're using some kind of slap/delay on the vocal, and maybe it's doubled or maybe not, but it's giving the vocal almost a phased sound.

Waylon's mixes were definitely eclectic, but I think a vintage plate of some sort is all that was used on his vocal on this tune. I'm not saying you need to copy his mix...but a short, big plate would probably hit a lot closer to what you're looking for.

The rhythm, clean guitar needs to come up, in my opinion.

The rest of the guitar work is super nice.

Maybe pull the drums back just a little, dry up the vocal and bring up the clean git, and I wanna hear it again.

But really - you nailed the performance. This is a great version
Great performance, great recording man. The harmonica sounds real nice to me actually. I would tame the low end, if there's some verb on it, maybe filter the lows out, that might be all it needs. The vocal seems pretty far back, I'd duck the verb on that or maybe just bring up the dry.

Edit: on a second listen, maybe it's not the bass I'm hearing but the low mids from the acoustic. . .