wavelab plug-ins


New member
hi there fellas, long time no see.
Im aplying for a job as a radio station tech. And for pre productions they use Wavelab of course.
Im just curious. I've tried Wavelab, good program thats for sure, and i've played with the plugins.
Since im a pro tools user, I probably think like one, and maybe i dont really understand how wavelabs works
So here goes my question, like in pro tools when im finished mixing the song/commercial/production i've recorder, i "bounce" it to disk. All the plugins enchance the sound, making it sound sweet! And there i have it, a wave file with the enhancement of the plugins.
But in wavelab, when i save the file, or "bounce" it to disk, the plugins dont enchance the sound i wanted it to :(
It sounds the same way it sounded before.
So am i using this program wrong?
I guess i've spent too long time with pro tools :(
I use Wavelab Essential, not sure how different it is from the full-blown Wavelab. But to get the plug-ins to "stick" you have to render the file. In the master section, near the bottom is the button. You can then save it as a new file and keep the original intact.

Is that what you're talking about??

Peace, and good luck with the job.
I use Wavelab Essential, not sure how different it is from the full-blown Wavelab. But to get the plug-ins to "stick" you have to render the file. In the master section, near the bottom is the button. You can then save it as a new file and keep the original intact.

what he said....