Wavelab Error - Aardvark cards


New member
Hi all,

So, everyone tells me that Wavelab is the bees knees for post-production work and at-home "mastering".

I lob onto the Steinberg website and download the demo. It crashes and burns before the GUI fully loads with a GPF in the main .EXE file.

I check out a warez version and it does exactly the same thing.

I disable my Aardvark card and enable my SB card. Everything is fine.

At this point, I am yelling "My ASIO driver sucks!", but then I remember that it works fine and gives me 1.5msec latency in Sonar 3.........

So, I log back onto the Steinberg website and look for info on how to contact customer support. Guess what - you can't email them without being a registered user.... Fair enough I guess, but....

I am more than happy to pay for the software, but living in Australia means this is a) hugely expensive and b) miles away from decent support, so I am a little reluctant to just buy it and take my chances.

So -

- Any ideas why I get the error? or,
- Any ideas how I can contact Steinberg support?
- Anyone else using the Aardvark Q10 or Direct Pro 2496 with the 7.04 or latest drivers?


:) Q.