Was this mixed/engineered well?


New member
This is a old track my band did 2 years ago. We are planning to record some new song this summer but we want to know if the studio we went to was good. We spend $600 for 16 hrs. Which is pretty decent. I'm not in the band, but I am just helping them out with promotion and stuff and I feel the mix is "okay"... I don't know I am thinking it's got some nice points and some stuff I don't think are good... but then again I'd rather hear from your experts. Let me know what's wrong with the track etc so I can talk to the engineer about it and fix it up next time we record. Thanks!

Oh and they are much better now. This is 2 yrs old remember.


It's called "My Life"

Oh here's another called "Day by Day"
From what i can gather(i am listening on puter speakers), the bass is a LITTLE bottom heavy, maybe cut some of the really low frequencies. The drums are quite loud(but that may be what you want) and the cymbals, and hi hats are very shrill. The vox have some "s" sounds that come in now and then. The rest sounds okay..... pretty much what you would expect form a studio that only charges 40$ and hour.
I thought they were good,

but they could sound better, especially since they were cut in a pro studio.

The songs were nice by the way
Nice tune, and the performances are very good... but sorry, there's no way to be nice about it, from a recorded sound quality point of view - if that was a pro studio, then they have a long way to go! It isn't terribly well-balanced and there is significant inconsistency in the sound quality of some tracks over the others... drums are a weak point...

At Blue Bear Sound, I don't charge hefty per-hour rates, but clients come away with tracks that don't sound like they were recorded on a Digital PortaStudio either!

Maybe the engineer should be hanging at this forum - they'll learn a thing or two!!!! ;)

Don't wanna ruffle your feathers Faabud, as I said, my criticisms are of the recorded quality only, the songs themselves and the performances were just fine...... it's too bad - it's hard enough for musicians to be solid enough in the studio and then to have good performances marred by inadequate engineering skills. Reminds me of one of my clients - we discussed the project and he had already tracked the drums at another "pro studio." When he came in for the initial consultation he brought the tracks with him. Popped them into the ADAT - aside from the numerous 0-peaks on both kick and snare, there was track bleed over everything! AND - it sounded like they used Radio Shack mics everywhere - no definition, no tone - throw beans against a garbage can lid and you get an idea of the cymbal sound! (and we won't even talk about snare!)

Scary... that particular project is still under way (budget restrictions on his part), but I'm going to have to do some re-triggering work to salvage it...... or convince him to let me get one of my session guys to re-cut the drums after all the other tracking is done!

Anyways, sorry for going off topic there....


Whooo I thought I was the only one that thought the songs sounded lifeless and bland and overall ugly... I will tell the band not to be dealing with them anymore.

Anyways I removed the songs off mp3.com as well as my site so hopefully next time I post it will be a nice song.

Blue Bear I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. So if you have any recommendations let me know.