

New member
I hate this. It's been driving me crazy for a long time. I have these little warts on my fingers right where I fret notes. They hurt after playing and interfere. Yes, they are warts, not calluses (a dermatologist confirmed it).

I had one frozen off, but I think it's starting to come back. The problem I have is that in order to get rid of them I have to freeze or tape or use the compound W that kills skin. All those methods prevent me from being able to play and it would take a few months to get rid of them all. Has anyone had an issue like this? How do I go a month or 2 without playing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I haven't done anything to them because of the fact I wouldn't be able to play. Should I bite the bullet and treat them or just let them go?
Where have you been sticking your fingers...? :)

Warts are caused by a virus.
I would treat it and find out how to prevent it...otherwise it will keep coming back, though apparently, once you are infected with the wart causing virus...you have it for life. So the most you can do is control the spread.
Yup, HPV, or Human Papillomavirus.

I'd say bite the bullet and see if you can get rid of them, and the infection that causes them should be fought off by your immune system within about 2 years.

Of course my 5 minutes on wikipedia shouldn't replace a doctor's advice :)
You might want to use a chlorox wipe on your fret board too - just sayin...

I'd go back to the Dr. that froze the last one off and see what he says
Hmm, I'm gonna have to time it right.... probably when I need to make more computer orientated music rather than instrument based.
Hmm, I'm gonna have to time it right.... probably when I need to make more computer orientated music rather than instrument based.

That was going to be my suggestion. Get 'em treated, and learn a new instrument while you're off the guitar.
You could always learn to play the drums. With the drums you really only develop callouses on your thumb and beneath the middle joint of your index finger.