WARNING!!new Christian Song. Listen if you can.


New member
New Christian Song

Some seemed offended last time I posted a "Christian" song on here so that was why the warning was put up. Anyway, my sister actually wrote the lyrics and I did the rest. This to me is the best mixed and vocal song I have recorded. Lend me your ears and let me know what you think. Thanks!

Song: "Oh What a Feeling"

Tried to go back re-mix the song a little, taking advice from some of the post. I like it better. Still not 100% satisfied.

Song "Oh What a Feeling (updated version)"

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I will exercise a bit more restraint than I did in my post on your last song and I won't comment on the songwriting or lyrics because I know they are integral to the genre but from a performance, arrangement and and recording point of view this sounds great to me.

Good job.
Very nice. I just listened to it on computer speakers, but nothing bad was obvious. It might be a little heavy on the upper midrange, but not enough to lose any sleep over. I'll give it another listen in a little while when I get in front of my monitor speakers.
Nice tune. Your lead vocals are bit out of tune in places and need to be wacked back in tune. That'd make a HUGE difference. The bg vocals are VERY nice and help keep it on track.... and mixed in great.

The piano is pretty MIDI sounding, sonically and I want to think you're wanting a better piano sound, but using what you have. Sounds like some chorus fx on it too. You might check on other choices. What are you using now?

Good arrangement too... The key change is a little dated, and wonder if there isn't a better way to jump up instead.

Watch the fade too... your "strings" end only in the left channel and that might be a tad weird also.

and finally:
........ why give a hoot if anyone is offended by your posting Christian music?

Ditch the warning label too and be strong in what you believe and be glad you have the opportunity to tell the Good News with your music.

btw... ALL I post is Christian music, and I've only gotten the utmost respect for what I do, from other musicians here and on other forums.

good job, bro. :)

I agree about the piano sound. A more realistic piano sound would be a huge improvement and really fill out the song. Other than that...nice job.

And I also think you should ditch the "warning". Since when did our society become one that warns of clean, meaningful music and doesn't warn of music about gangs, shootings, drugs, hoes, etc, etc, etc...? :confused:

Be proud.:D
Thanks everyone for the replys. What all of you say makes sense. I wish I had a better piano sound but I dont. I need to find one somewhere. Anyway thanks for the comments and criticism. I have much work to do.
I'm offended by calm music with positive messages! :D

Actually, this is very calm and polished for my taste, so take my criticisms with a grain of salt:
The acoustic guitar panned hard to the right could stand to be closer to the middle.
The vocals are a little nasally for this kind of music. It's not bad per-se, but it is a little unusual. (Maybe complement them with a sweet, female vocal harmony?)
I think the key change sounds fine.
Nice song. The piano's not that bad to me. It sounds like heavy reverb??? A better piano would probably help. The vocals are pretty good. Nothing so off key to bother me or make notice. Being a guitar player I'd like to hear some better guitar. Or more guitar. Acoustic of course. Is that guitar real? Sounds midi. :confused: Anyways nice tune. Add more acoustic guitar and ditch the warning.

Nice song. The piano's not that bad to me. It sounds like heavy reverb??? A better piano would probably help. The vocals are pretty good. Nothing so off key to bother me or make notice. Being a guitar player I'd like to hear some better guitar. Or more guitar. Acoustic of course. Is that guitar real? Sounds midi. :confused: Anyways nice tune. Add more acoustic guitar and ditch the warning.


Thanks bro..huh, yeah thats a real guitar, and im not a very good guitar player, lol. Hey I tried! I have a couple friends that I could have called on but I thought heck, I can play a little rhythm. I may need to make that call. Anyway thanks for the input!
It's not the playing. It's more the tone that makes it sound midi. Was the guitar recorded direct? Also I thought a bit more acoustic to fill the song would make it really nice. But I'm biased. :D
Great job Brother. Can you come over and show me how to get that sound? LOL... For real though your mix is really good. from 1-10 Ill give it a 8.5...
Very nice song. It's a good message and you should not apologize for it. If people can't relate, that's their choice, just like I pass on opera and rap. That's not to say that opera and rap is not valid, it's just not my favorite genre and we only have so much time to listen. I post Christian songs, too.

Good job, Wig
Any suggestions on where I can download a "REAL" piano synth plug-in? Free would be awesome! :D


Here is TruePiano's free version. No adjustments, but sounds pretty good for free.

Their other purchased pianos do sound better, but you'll find plenty of people to advise to buy something else.
If you buy the current version of Sonar Producer edition, you'll get the TruePiano VSTi free. Might be worth looking at, but a chunk of money... But Sonar has A LOT of other free stuff too. Dimension Pro has some nice pianos too... comes with Sonar also.

Otherwise you're looking at $200+ for a program.

btw... Click on the "A small and versatile piano module"... under the picture.

EDIT...oops...reading above... I see you switched to Reaper... oh well!!

Here is TruePiano's free version. No adjustments, but sounds pretty good for free.

Their other purchased pianos do sound better, but you'll find plenty of people to advise to buy something else.
If you buy the current version of Sonar Producer edition, you'll get the TruePiano VSTi free. Might be worth looking at, but a chunk of money... But Sonar has A LOT of other free stuff too. Dimension Pro has some nice pianos too... comes with Sonar also.

Otherwise you're looking at $200+ for a program.

btw... Click on the "A small and versatile piano module"... under the picture.

EDIT...oops...reading above... I see you switched to Reaper... oh well!!

Thanks bro, Im going to try this when I get home today.