Wanna good laugh?

I'm not sure why I should listen to something that the artist tells me is a piece of crap but since I'm home and working on that collab with you I thought I would.
Sounds good to me. As usual you have that good 80's voice (is that you? ) and the rst is good solid rock....decent hook....decent sound quality and good playing and singing. It seems a little low in volume but I just turned it up and fixed that! :)
Kick ass tune man.The mix is a little harsh at the moment.Sounds kinda like the drums are clipping.The vocals kick ass as usual.I like the delay you threw on the vocals on the end of a couple of lines.Cool effect.This almost has an AC/DC-ZZ Top feeling to it when the opening riff happens and the drums come in.......got an 80's feeling to it but thats fine with me.That just means it doesnt suck like the current trend of music does.The guitar solo rocks!
Whats the deal with todays rock n roll bands?No guitar solos just rhythm guitars with maybe a distorted octave part as a solo.Thats not rock.Thats just slacker pussies who cant play rock n roll.
[/end rant]

Good tune it just needs some tweaking on the drums and bass guitar.It's kinda muddy in those areas.

Rock on Bro!
Lt. Bob said:
I'm not sure why I should listen to something that the artist tells me is a piece of crap but since I'm home and working on that collab with you I thought I would.
Sounds good to me. As usual you have that good 80's voice (is that you? ) and the rst is good solid rock....decent hook....decent sound quality and good playing and singing. It seems a little low in volume but I just turned it up and fixed that! :)

...sorry about that Lt., just a little unsure of my recordings and mixing. Thanks for checking and I need to pm ya on that collab soon. Thanks!

Kramer>> Hey man thanks for listening to this. I'm so deaf man I really have no business trying to mix anything. I'll give the bass and drums so more thought...was kinda afraid they sounded muddy. Nice [rant]..I agree, them pussies :D . Ha thanks bro.
The best part of this song is the vocal. You've got some strength to 'em. There are guys in the clubs downtown making a good living singing have as well as you. Mix wise the levels were pretty good, but I'd maybe open up the stereo field just a tad with the guitar. But only if you try it and it sounds good to you.

Cool tune!

more good stuff, dude.....

im thinking the solo should be a tad louder...it doesnt seem to match the vocal level.......

yeah, widen the steo field...the only thing that im hearing (with these bad ears) out there is the cymbals (hats,etc)....everything else is getting percieved as pretty much centered.....and the right side is getting a little more energy because of it....

lol...nevermind about the right side...not as apparent as i thought....it seems my daughter turned my amps right dial to 9 (the left is on 7).....:D

Gidge said:
lol...nevermind about the right side...not as apparent as i thought....it seems my daughter turned my amps right dial to 9 (the left is on 7).....:D

haha...that's funny. I was about to say something to Erland in his thread about the mix leaning to the left, and then I checked and apparently I knocked my right monitor dial off too. Both of us in about 10 minutes time.
i may have my monitors right and left flip flopped also so ill just stick too one side is getting slightly more energy...the side with the hat/ride.....

anyone have a Zanax:rolleyes:
there's nothing "terrible" aboot this... :p

the gits are a little "hollow", but it's a decent recording. I especially appreciate the real drums. :D And I agree that the vocals are the best component of the recording.

another good tune!

the level of the whole mix is very low.. I wonder why no one mentioned it? Also, it sounds a bit distorted.. Almost like it's very low, but still almost clipping.. Nice vocals man! There were a few cymbal hits that were a bit hot.. good guitar groove.. The vocals are great.. sounds like a bad edit @4:50.. good rock and roll.. After just listening to Kramers tune, this went well with the mood.
diggin' this...

I think drop the bass a db or two and crank everything else

Sounds great.

I liked the little guitar riff with the squak at the end, very cool.
This is rock and roll!

Has a few rough edges, but I didn't hear anything that couldn't be fixed. In fact you may want to leave a few of those rough edges. They add character.;)

You rock, dude!:cool:
David, burn it down dude. Rock on. Some serious rocking here. All around great playing. And a good recording too. There it is. The lead guitar. yikes, rocking down the house. Thanks for this one.
Nice song. Liked the vocals, they were very strong. Good lead break. Well played all around.

There's a weird sound to the ride cymbal - a little click to it. The kick drum has a little "thud" to it.

I liked though.
SLuiCe..I agree, everything's pretty much to centered. Haven't listened to it for a couple days...maybe I can get a couple hrs on these ears tomorrow:D . Thanks man.

Gidge.. yep i think the high-hat and crash is the only thing panned a little...i'm an idiot. Thanks dude.

WATYF.."gtrs are a little hollow":) , i hear ya. Probably these sheetrock walls aren't helping either:D . I need a better room!! Thanks.

B.SABBATH..Yeah this distortion seems to be a trademark of..probably all my mixes:D . Maybe someday i'll figure it out ha. I'll check that 4:50 edit...aint no tellin man:D . Thanks bro.

Dough H..I'll keep in mind the about pulling the bass back...did the whole thing sound to "bassy"? Thanks

M.Brane.."Has a few rough edges" LOL, yes sir..it has plenty of that. Thanks for listening man

dtb..Thanks dtb, you rock man.

TripleM.."thud"? bad thud good thud?:D , yeah man..i don't really like the sound of all that much..still searching for a better one. Thanks Trip
Quote -->>did the whole thing sound to "bassy"?

just the bass...

:) to my ears, it wasn't a eq thing, the bass just seemed a little hot to me compared to the rest of the mix.
David said:
okok...we even now bro:D ...ok?:D
We're even for now....until this thread slips off into oblivion for 11 months and then Im gonna ressurect it from the dead with a *bump*.:D

Thanks man.You squeezed a little more life out of my old thread.LOL.Im surprised that anybody bothered.I figured everybody listened and the ones that wanted to comment did and the ones that didnt just passed.:eek: