Wanna Buy My HD24


New member
Hi all, remember me! the guy from Canada that bought a brand new
HD24 out of the States from a company called Music123 and received a
non working item. Well it turns out that the warranty is void in
Canada but will be covered if I Send it to the States. Problem is
though, it will cost me to get it back into the country in duties.
Intelemix Canada is the official Alesis dealer in Canada. They have
had the unit since November and have just called me to inform me
they dont have the knowledge required to do the repairs, so a new
main board will have to be replaced at a cost of $670 canadian funds.
I'm really pissed off at Alesis because when I spoke with Hershel in
Newmark, he said that they would agree to send intellemix the parts
free of charge for the repairs. I guess now that they know it will
need a new main board, they are refusing to send the part free. I
can't understand the mentality there. They would do the fix in the
states under warranty, but won't send the part to canada for repairs
free. I am being blackballed by the Alesis dealer in Canada for
buying out of the States. its really sad when a guy gets raked over
the coals for trying to save a few dollars! Who knows, maybe the
HD24 only needs a OS upgrade or has a loose ribbon cable, and the
repair centre is pulling a fast one because I didnt buy it in Canada.
Regardless, I am relly upset with the whole deal and will never buy
Alesis products again. In fact, I am going to create a web page to
discourage potential buyers of their products because of their
(Alesis) warranty policy. But for those of you that want to stay
with Alesis, you can buy my brand new unit that needs repairs ( and
will get them free in the States) for $1500.00 U.S. funds and I will
cover the shipping fees (but not any dutes if any)Good luck to all
you HD24 users!