Waffleness - Axel


New member

First post on here for quite a while, just mixed down a new song:

It basically came about because I kept hearing this chord sequence around EVERYWHERE (G minor, D sharp major, Bb Major, F major). I really love this chord seqeuence because its epic and fun to play, but its in sooo many songs.

I thought I would join the club, and may have gone over the top with instruments. Ah well, it was fun :)

Feedback appreciated!
Listening as I type...

I like the piano opening..

there seems to be some static or distortion on the kick.

Nice build as the rest of the drum kit comes in, but the distortion on the kick is a bit distracting...

Overall, I'd say you did a very overused chord progression justice... :cool:
It sounds really good for what it is (synthesized track). The only thing I would say, is it would maybe make the piece more interesting if some of the accent pieces were a bit more panned - in some sort of interesting way - not even sure what I would do, but everything is so static and centered. Maybe take some parts that are counter-rhythmic and pan them opposite ways? I dunno?