
I have one. There are some utility files I have run across on the web that may do what you want, but I've never checked them out so I can't say. Other than that, you will have to plug your sample source into the input jack on the rear of the unit and do an analog to digital recording. If you are trying to load an external sequence I can't help there either. Check out the W30 website for the utilities and sound files. I've downloaded over 200 disks from the site. Each disk has several sounds. Some have quite a few. Those would be the S50 and S550 downloads. Let me know how you come out as I like to stay in touch with W30 owners. The manager at the local music store calls it a dinosaur, but I think they are really cool and they are becoming more rare and valuable now. Some people are really into them. Maybe you're one? I think there may be an online manual at that website. I got one from Roland for around $10 or $12. If you can't find the website, go to Synthzone.com and scroll the Roland catagory.

[This message has been edited by monty (edited 03-09-2000).]