VTB1 Studio Projects Preamp


New member
I just got one of these and have it connected to my Fast Track Pro, i am using an MXL V63M mic, i have to say that i can not get a louder signal to my comp, without adding the same amount of noise, i try to track at around -12 to -18 dBFS, Increasing the gain on the VTB1 or the Fast Track Pro alone yeilds equal noise. I never had a problem getting my mic loud enough with the built in pres on the FTP, i just thought i could bet a cleaner signal at a higher gain level using the VTB-1 preamp and bypassing the FTP's pres at the line level. Seems to not be that way, I get almost exactly the same results, so is it just my mic or what. I will most likely be returning this preamp, and sticking with the FTP as is. Any input please....
I just got one of these and have it connected to my Fast Track Pro, i am using an MXL V63M mic, i have to say that i can not get a louder signal to my comp, without adding the same amount of noise, i try to track at around -12 to -18 dBFS, Increasing the gain on the VTB1 or the Fast Track Pro alone yeilds equal noise. I never had a problem getting my mic loud enough with the built in pres on the FTP, i just thought i could bet a cleaner signal at a higher gain level using the VTB-1 preamp and bypassing the FTP's pres at the line level. Seems to not be that way, I get almost exactly the same results, so is it just my mic or what. I will most likely be returning this preamp, and sticking with the FTP as is. Any input please....

I don't know anything about the Fast Track, but I have a VTB1. It's not a noisy preamp for the most part. If you are compressing a lot, you are bringing up the noise floor no matter what preamp you are using.

Assuming the Fast Track is about as noisy as the VTB1, you will have to look at some specs on different preamps to get a more quiet one. And probably have to spend a little more. The VTB1 is still a Chinese, budget preamp. It's not going to be whisper quiet.

Or - consider that the noise might be coming from the mic or compressor, etc.
I don't know anything about the Fast Track, but I have a VTB1. It's not a noisy preamp for the most part. If you are compressing a lot, you are bringing up the noise floor no matter what preamp you are using.

Assuming the Fast Track is about as noisy as the VTB1, you will have to look at some specs on different preamps to get a more quiet one. And probably have to spend a little more. The VTB1 is still a Chinese, budget preamp. It's not going to be whisper quiet.

Or - consider that the noise might be coming from the mic or compressor, etc.

yeah, i feel stupid as my noise problem is almost surely 95% environmental i.e. computer, vents, etc. Aside from that, I still do not hear any difference between the two unless i actually turn up the tube blend on the vtb1, and at that point my vocals sound like shit. So if having it set at solid state, and having no (at least to my ear) discernable difference, what is the point of having a preamp for my setup, i mean, my FTP has built in pres, but i assumed they would be shit and i might get better sound quality from bypassing them and using the vtb1 as well as using the phantom power supplied from it rather than the FTP. Of what service is the VTB1 for you??
yeah, i feel stupid as my noise problem is almost surely 95% environmental i.e. computer, vents, etc. Aside from that, I still do not hear any difference between the two unless i actually turn up the tube blend on the vtb1, and at that point my vocals sound like shit. So if having it set at solid state, and having no (at least to my ear) discernable difference, what is the point of having a preamp for my setup, i mean, my FTP has built in pres, but i assumed they would be shit and i might get better sound quality from bypassing them and using the vtb1 as well as using the phantom power supplied from it rather than the FTP. Of what service is the VTB1 for you??

I play double (upright) bass, and I use its DI feature in between my pick up and my amp on some gigs. Or sometimes I use a ribbon mic to amplify my bass and I use it for extra gain. For live sound I don't need to drag around expensive stuff.
Hey i remember reading some of your other posts and one of them got side tracked with recording levels when it should have been discussing your noise. Sounds like you understand that here. You've got to eliminate all your background noise. The computer is the main culprit. And condensor mics pick up *Everything* in the room.

IF the VTB isn't buying any new flavors that you like then you should return it and use just the pre's on your interface. Butyou have to have a good recording environment.

For sure, there's no equipment or software problem. Maybe a user or set up problem, but you should be looking at room noise first.

I'm having problems with my computer recently also. Bought a new PSU which fried my motherboard, the store replaced everything with similar components, but now it's louder than a train. I replaced the PSU with quieter one, but it's still not good enough. I'm going to build an isolation box for it.

Good luck and let us know what is happening.
Whatever else might be said about the VTB-1, it does have a decent noise floor - any noise you're experiencing I'm sure is not a fault of the VTB-1 (assuming you're setting it right).
yep, you are all right, i have a very bad noise problem with regards to my computer, i did some tests by isolating my mic and i'm actually surprised at how well the mic and FTP work, very low noise at a very reasonable tracking level. The VTB1 performs very well also, however, for my purposes it does nothing of much benefit, it is on it's way back now.

Isolating my PC is a bit of a problem, being that i have very limited desk space, also, i have a laptop, so i can't just isolate the CPU, I have to cover the monitor and all that, even with ample desk space for such a large box (I have a Dell Inspiron 9100, BEAST!!!), it would be a real freakin pain to be recording vocals and have to try and operate my DAW at the same time, while it's under a box, or even if i built something see through i would still need keyboard access, and have no room at the moment for a wireless keyboard........or do I, (as lights go off......), damn still a massive box. A couple blankets will take care of the other external sounds just fine.( a vent, semi sealed window), but all that is for another thread......thanks for the input y'all
yep, you are all right, i have a very bad noise problem with regards to my computer, i did some tests by isolating my mic and i'm actually surprised at how well the mic and FTP work, very low noise at a very reasonable tracking level. The VTB1 performs very well also, however, for my purposes it does nothing of much benefit, it is on it's way back now.

Isolating my PC is a bit of a problem, being that i have very limited desk space, also, i have a laptop, so i can't just isolate the CPU, I have to cover the monitor and all that, even with ample desk space for such a large box (I have a Dell Inspiron 9100, BEAST!!!), it would be a real freakin pain to be recording vocals and have to try and operate my DAW at the same time, while it's under a box, or even if i built something see through i would still need keyboard access, and have no room at the moment for a wireless keyboard........or do I, (as lights go off......), damn still a massive box. A couple blankets will take care of the other external sounds just fine.( a vent, semi sealed window), but all that is for another thread......thanks for the input y'all

Cool..... no literally. Gotta keep your computer quiet AND cool. If you're covering it up, got to make sure it doesn't overheat.

good luck.
Cool..... no literally. Gotta keep your computer quiet AND cool. If you're covering it up, got to make sure it doesn't overheat.

good luck.

that's another issue, my Inspiron 9100 runs hot as shit, that's why theh fans are so fucking loud, with the money i'd spend on fixing the externalities?? of this problem i'd almost be better off with a new computer, but, fuck vista and i have no cash for a mac, or software