VST32 upgrade to SX


New member
If somebody could please help me on this one ...

I want to buy Cubase VST32 now and later get their free upgrade to Cubase SX ....

Can somebody tell me how this entire deal will work? If I buy VST32 now, should I register with Steinberg right away or wait until after the release of SX?

What will I have to send in to Steinberg?

How long does it take them to handle the upgrade issue?
Hi mcr,

Yes, you should buy Cubase VST32/5.1 now. You will
receive a free upgrade to SX and you will be able to keep
Cubase VST32/5.1 as well.....good deal! Register
as soon as you purchase VST and check with Steinberg
to make sure they receive your registration. According
to the UK website, SX should be available at the end
of June.

Hope this helps!
Hi Chris,
Here is the link...for UK.

Check out the info for SX on that page.
I also received confirmation of that from a
Steinberg rep here in Canada, via email.

c9-2001, SX is not a free upgrade unless you
purchased VST32 after March 1st of 2002, then
it will be free....and you get to keep your old

If you perchased cubase vst 5/32 after march 1 2002 you are entitled to the free sx upgrade(provided you show them proof of a sales receipt) MINE WILL BE ON IT'S WAY SOON AS ITS OUT :). I also was lucky to buy wave lab 3.03 for just $199 close out at sam ash like 2 weeks ago and was able to get a free upgrade to 4.0 for that too :)
do you think Steinberg will give us who upgrade from VST32 to SX one of those nice printed manuals that allegedly come with the new Cubase?
What do you think??

I purchased mine just before March first. The invoice date was Feb. 18th. I probably did not get it till around the first. Does anyone think they should give it to me, or am I screwed.

Hi JC Lives

We purchased ours at the same time as you. I heard from
a Steinberg rep that something *may* be done to offset
the upgrade price, but it might be good to send Steinberg an email.

Thanks for the info

I will do just that. I would hope that they would at least do something since it is only a mater of a few days.

mcr said:
do you think Steinberg will give us who upgrade from VST32 to SX one of those nice printed manuals that allegedly come with the new Cubase?

I heard the opposite. No paper manuals with SX.

Also, with the upgrade, you get an entirely new package. Thus, you get everything that comes with a brand new purchase.