VST Time Overload


New member
Hi my system is windows 7 Home Preium 64bit service pack one, 4 gigs of ram, Intel (R) Pentium (R) CPU B950 @ 2.10 GHz.
I have a tascam us-800 interface w/Cubase LE5, my problem is that with 17+ tracks with plugins on them I reach the vst time overload. This has happened to me before with my old setup but I had around 45 tracks so that was understandable. With cubase I cannot set my buffer with the tascam us-800, I tried ASIO4ALL to adjust and it didnt really make a difference. I only use one plugin per track most of the time, is there anything I can do to fix this...beside cutting plugins?
I've never heard of hardware that didn't allow you to ajust the buffer setting somehow. It might be in a utility though? Like an app that came with the tascam that would lie in the windows start bar?
I cant find anything, to change the buffer setting I should go to device setup then I select the us-800 when i click the control panel where i should be able to adjust the buffer, it does nothing. I had a alesis io26 and with the driver came a app that let you watch the performance of the interface the tascam us-800 came with nothing like that.

With ASIO4ALL I was able to turn the buffer down but it did not make a noticable difference, is there any other way to get a major drop on the vst time usage?
I found the app for the us-800, the buffer rate was already set to the highest setting. This is driving me nuts, I have done everything I think I can from changing the buffer, setting up my laptop for audio recording, and nothing has made a noticable difference. If anyone can help i would greatly appreciate it