VSampler Latency


New member
I've been experimenting with VSampler for a couple of hours and can't seem to get the AKAI samples I've loaded to respond properly. The samples respond late making it difficult to find the inspiration to continue using them. I know that this must be a simple fix, but I can' t seem to figure it out. Can anyone help me?

Just in case someone asks; I'm using a Kurzweil K2500 to Midiman 2x2 USB interface to modules on a Dual Pentium III Xeon PC with 512 MB Ram and 200 GB of hard disk.

Dan @ MGR
Okay then... that should be okay.

What drivers are you using? If you're using ASIO (or WDM for that matter), have you checked the buffer samples in the Motu Control Panel? Set them to f.ex. 128 samples. If you're using WDM-drivers, remeber to reprofile your card and set your latency lower.

Here's a short list of the latency you should expect with different buffersettings:
64 samples = 1.5 ms
128 samples = 2.9 ms
256 samples = 5.8 ms
and so on... ;)

What are the CPUs? 1 GHz?
Having now reinstalled Sonar 3 after a total virus breakdown, I tried their audio demo. At latency 1.5 msec there were some crackles at playback. It disappeared at 2.9 msec.

Now, I wonder - given the above table by Moskus - is adjusting to 2.9 msec with 64 buffers good enough? Or is there any advantage to using 128 buffers when you have been forced to increase to 2.9 msec, anyway?
tombuur said:
Or is there any advantage to using 128 buffers when you have been forced to increase to 2.9 msec, anyway?
I think there is. I read that somewhere.

I think it's like you make something go faster just to slow it down afterwards... Whas that clear for you or only in my head? ;)
2.9 ms latency should be fine. I believe anything under 5 ms is pretty much inaudible (unless you are Superman :) )