VS 880EX


New member
I have a roland vs880ex and I'm having trouble with track bouncing. I can't seem to be able to bounce the music with the EQ settings and effects. the manual is so confusing...please explain. Also, is there any way possible that I could use more than two effects with the recorder's processors on one song...it's very limiting. Any words of advice for eliminating groundloops and hum in my recordings would be helpful. thank you.

[This message has been edited by StrummEd (edited 08-16-1999).]
I have the older 880 v-xpanded, and it seems it is much easier to bounce tracks on than the "easy routing" 880EX, so I'll leave that answer to another 880EX user. Try the www.vsplanet.com BBS.

The only way I know of to use more than two internal effects is to either record the effect along with the track, or once you are able to bounce tracks you can bounce one track and the effect will be recorded with it. There are several ways to record with effects, most are described in documentation that you can download from the Roland Website, www.rolandus.com. Get the application guide, it's a lot more useful than the manual for things like this. It's in PDF format. I prefer recording without effects and then just bouncing the track to a virtual track with effects. That way I can listen to the recorded track and try several effects, tweaking until I get what I'm looking for. Then once you bounce this track with effect, you can use the internal processors for other effects. If I have a single track that I want to apply a certain effect to, I always bounce that track by itself with the effect. Once all the individual tracks are done this way I can use the 2 internal processors for effects that I what to apply to the overall mix. You can use as many different effects as the number of times you want to bounce tracks (times two effects actually.)

As for the electrical noise, make sure and keep your unbalanced cable runs short as possible. And if you are hearing noise on one input of the 880, try another input and see if it's still there. I have one input on mine that hums really loud sometimes, I still don't know why. Also, if you are recording in one of the Roland compressed modes, you will hear some noise that sounds electrical, but it's mostly the Roland compression (disk storage compression to save space, not the good kind.) For songs that are quiet, I only use the MAS mode on the 880 (uncompressed). I'm not sure if the 880EX has different modes than the v-xpanded, but check the manual on the different modes and how each effects the overall sound quality. Hope this helps some.