VS 840EX for newbee


New member
Hi there,

I'm a new homerecorder, that is, I've been using a Sony-XD4MKII for half a year (made me sick from the compression) and now I've been working all summer to buy a value-for-money machine to satisfy my needs. I've been planning to spend about 2000 guilders (about $1500,=) for a machine. Is the 840 a good option, or are there better machines in this pricing range? And, important question, is it easy to use?
I believe the VS-880EX retails for about $1600, but why spend that much, when you can buy the same, practically new unit for about half the price? I recently purchased a V-Expanded VS-880 on www.ebay.com for $960.

As for ease of use... the VS-840 is the easiest to use. The VS-880 is a little more complicated, however, not THAT complicated, and I think that studying the manual for a couple of days is definitely worth the features!

That price sounds kind of high for the 840. You should easily be able to get the 880EX for around the same price. I think its definately worth the extra $. Just do a little extra research.
hey he was quoting the price for the 880ex and that price dosent sound off at allfor the 880ex... i was just at guitar center and i went to two other places and they all went for between $1,550 to $1,650....the 840ex goes for about $999.00...

[This message has been edited by reco (edited 08-19-1999).]