VS 2000 Cd


New member
Anybody have one?? I picked one up and think I have a hard drive problem. Are these things really that easy to use?
Yeah, I have one. Once you get the hang of it, it's very easy to use. Why do you think you have a hard drive problem? What is it doing?
Thanks for responding. A steady tone came out once when I was playing back a recording. (only happened once) I was switching scenes when it started and could not stop it untill I killed the power, and lost what I recorded. I called Roland and explained to a tech and he told me.
I'm hoping it is easy eventually. Do you have a bigger flat panel screen with yours, and does it help??
I'll tell you what Kramster, if there is one upgrade you make to the VS-2000, get the mouse and vga adaptor. IT'S WORTH EVERY PENNY! It makes things so much easier. It's only like $250.00
I have that stuff installed and going to get a monitor soon. I think I get a free one from Roland, a 15 incher, with this promotion they have. Or I'll just buy one.
Thanks jeff5xo.