Vox AC-30 sound alike amps?


New member
Hi, I have a small home recording studio and I'm looking for an amp that simulates the vox AC-30 guitar amplifier for a Beatle type sound. Is there an amp that does this at a much lower cost? Vox is just too expensive. I was told that Laney produces an amp that sounds something like the AC-30. Has anyone used one? Thanks, Don
Here's a post from this BBS. For the thread go to:

A short story by me...............
I'm an amp tech of 20 years which has some advantages. One being that every amp I repair, bias, or whatever I get the oportunity to play through to make sure all is good and that the amp sounds as it should.

I got this amp in once and replaced the output tubes and biased it. Because of the brand name, I was at the time not expecting any "Act-of-God" tone. In fact, I will say that I was probably a little bit biased the other way. To my surprise, this thing was one of (if not THE) best sounding combo amps I have heard. I looked through the schematic and compared it to several similar amps in the Aspen-Pitman book. I found it to be ALMOST a match to a Vox AC30, except it had 2nd channel with serious gain.

The amp...............Crate VC30...I am dead serious and I now own one.
Thanks for supplies guys. CRATE?!?!?....... WOW!!!! I'm not a guitarist , I'm a drummer. I'll take a guitar player with me to try one out. Thanks, that will save me a bundle.
A little FYI:
The Crate VC30 is discontinued, but you can find one used for around $300. I'm looking to get one myself, but I've been warned that they have an interesting design feature: you have to remove the chassis to change tubes. Since I don't like to mess with or tweak amps, that's not a problem for me, but it is another reason to gig with a backup amp.
Just wanted all of you who were kind enough to reply that I decided to have an amp custom built that simulates a Vox AC30. with upgrades that will allow more sustain, lower tube noise, more protection from overheating and a better transformer. Thanks, Don
Do they sell more of em? Is it a custom shop? How much?

I noticed the Laney amps online and they have a Vox copy. Anybody familliar with those?
Hi Tex, The amp is a prototype @ $1495 including shipping. The name of the company is Vintone, they make custom tube amplifiers. I was told that since this is a prototype future such amps are likely to cost more.

Yeah, check out the Laneys if you can. I never owned the class A amp, but I played one in a shop when I bought a Laney LC50. I wish I never sold my Laney, it was a great amp.