vote for your Favourite plugin of each kind


New member
okay, this was inspired by the plugin that you can't live without thread. the catagories will be

Compressor (multiband or single band)



Tape/valve or "enhancer"

Speaker sim/amp sim

Other (mastering suites, temolo's, de-essers, noise reduction, ect)
most of the time i use Waves L3 , the multiband limiter, for limiting

for EQ i use Equim alot (elemental audio systems Equim)

for Reverb... mhh,,don't have a real favorite but most of the time its Roomverb or Waves IR1

i'm not extremely crazy about plugins...i love my hardware :rolleyes:
I just realised I forgot to say mine so I thought I'd put em in here,

Waves Rvox (nice, simple, low on cpu colouring, and nicely coloured) and waves c1 (transparent)

don't realy have a favourite

The waves Rverb, can't believe how warm it makes my mixes sound when I use it lightly

Saturation or enhancer
probably the antares valve plugin, it doesn't seem to make much difference at all on it's own, but it just smoothes things out in a mix and adds some pleasant sounding harmonics

Speaker sim/amp sim
well, I havent found an amp sim that I can stand the sound of, but, I havent realy tried out speaker sims, can anyone sujest some good ones?

Vintage warmer is good, so is izotope ozone.
The only amp/speaker sims I have tried is Revalver and Amplitube.

Amplitube has it's moments, it can be good for taking a really clean guitar sound and getting a crazy, unique sound with some cool effects that really stands out in the mix. it has unique sound properties sometimes. On the other hand, I would never use it to "simulate" ANYTHING! Just turning on that plugin on a clean tone severely changes the guitar tone. Playing around with the speakers sims will give you a choice of crappy tones, really. It won't be like playing through a Jazzmaster or some cool old tube amp although like I said, it does have it's moments but I would never rely on it. I rely on my 4x12 cabinet. or, if i want, i can plug into a 4x10 bass cab and play through that. I also have a v-amp and even it sounds better than Amplitube.

It sounds horrible as a "guitar amp." If you want to go for a Marshall sound, you have to put up a couple of mics to a Marshall that's cranked really loud. That's what I do when I want a high gain crunch modern metal guitar tone.

Also....Revalver. I once used it to get an EXTREMELY crazy 80's solo sound with insane gain and delay and stuff. It sounded just like a Britney Fox song from 1987 or something. Other than that, I have never found any settings that I truly like on it for guitar. I'd really rather hear the sound of a real amp for some reason.