Volume Question


Gassy Member
Hey guys,

I'm sure that this has been discussed many times before so I'm sorry if I'm bringing up old stuff....

I know that with mastered cd's tons of limiting has been applied etc to bring the volume waaayyy up...

But I have noticed that there is a significant volume difference between my demos and other peoples demos that post in the MP3 forum.

I generally mixdown at -3db with Cubase SX 2 and then use the loudness function on the Ozone 3 plugin (I know...) to try and bring the volume up after I have a stereo mixdown, but to me it makes the mix sound..... different.

I also have the UAD-1 card, if you guys have any suggestions on using say the LA2A to bring up the volume ?

Should I even worry about this ?

Thanks for any advice or suggestions..
