Volume I officially gone.


New member
The very last copy of Volume I left my door this morning.

On a side note, V2 has already outsold V1 by > 25 copies. However, V2 cost considerably more to make, so it's just barely over the break-even mark. If we want to contribute funds to the BBS, then we need to sell quite a few more.

Slackmaster 2000
official correction...

sm2k said:
On a side note, V2 has already outsold V1 by > 25 copies....
*cough*...He meant >250,000 copies...*cough* ;)

sm2k said:
....then we need to sell quite a few more.
*cough*...He meant few hundred thousands more...*cough* ;)

Thank you gentelmen... :cool:
This is what, the third time Volume I is sold out? ;)

Well, I glad I got mine just after the second time. Now I can have a complete collection. Sign me up for all the future ones! :)
Well, it's suprising how often people say they're ordering and then disappear. Volume 1 is officially gone this time because there are no more in my house!