

New member
I am starting out in voice-overs and want to market myself to all markets. Of course I will be converting from wav to mp3, etc. and emailing audio files and demos. I have a Roland VS880EX, Mackie 1202, and decent condensor mics. Looking at CD burners and computer editing software.
Is there anyone out there doing voice-over work? What type of set up do you have? How are you marketing yourself? Any tips?

I"ve done a lot of voice-over work. Find out who the agents and ad agencies are in your area. Also, find out who the local voice talent is. It's all about connections.
I've done some of this in the past but not recently. I was talking to a buddy recently who does a lot of stuff like car dealers and sends them MP3. I asked what kind of demo he sent. He said most of the guys would have a presentation that lasted a little longer than a minute, with a few seconds of this and that. I do know those kinds of tapes seem to have gotten shorter over the years.

My buddy said he did his differently. He said he would send out a CD with four tracks on it.....five if he thought they needed political spots. One track would be car dealer spots, I forget the other categories.

I have a buddy in Chicago who back about 1980 would send out about TWO thousand tapes at a time....I recall 100 went to just one big Chicago agency. So I think its getting a good demo and then building a list of names and periodically remind them you are still around.
