Voice overs - I did a mic comparison


New member
I was considering making the jump to a Neumann TLM103. I found a local studio that had a couple of mics I was interested in (Slaughtehouse Studio in Hadley, Massachusetts) along with the Neumann. I brought my own mics and we ran some comparisons. If you are interested in my less than scientific study, I put some short mp3 files on my website:


The mikes were:

Neumann TLM103
CAD Global Audio GXL2400
Sennheiser MD421 (uncompressed and compressed versions)
MXL V67g
Groove Tubes 5SC
Groove Tubes 5SM

I was primarily interested in hearing how the Neumann sounded. Hence, I made no effort to locate or rent some of the other mics that are commonly considered good for voice work.

Having listened back to the results on a number of systems, I got to say I understand why the Nuemann is so highly recommended. Plus, the CAD GXL2400 worked very with my voice. I was pleasantly surprised.
What I mostly hear is a difference in loudness.

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BTW, that is a good sounding voice. I can see why you do this type of work. Sounds "trustworthy", for lack of a more descriptive term.
bgavin: your 'descriptive term' is the highest compliment a voice-over person can receive. Thanks!

I agree, loudness is different. But I left the files as-is. I am too subjective to tweak the sound.
Great test! I really liked the Neumann, CAD and Sennheiser tracks. The vocal talent is superb!! (that was you?) To be honest, the test really proves, to me at least, that with great talent any mic will work generally... although, as in this test, there usually are some clear winners.
Well, it'd be more revealing for this particular voice if you put some other VO mics in the mix such as the Neumann U87, Blue Mouse, Audio-Technica AT4047, EV RE20 and Shure SM7.
Rev E said:
I really liked the Neumann, CAD and Sennheiser tracks.
I agree with your choices, in that same order. The CAD is only about $80. I like that ALOT! And thanks for the compliment on the voice.

ozraves said:
Well, it'd be more revealing for this particular voice if you put some other VO mics in the mix such as the Neumann U87, Blue Mouse, Audio-Technica AT4047, EV RE20 and Shure SM7.

I agree, a complete test would have included AT4047 along with a couple of others such as AKG414 and a Studio Projects C1. As for the RE20 and SM7, I've worked with them both so I know what they sound like. I didn't go for a U87 because, no matter how good it sounded, it's outside my price range at the present time. I am not familiar with the Blue Moose.
The Blue Mouse is an agressive FET 47 mic. It also looks way cool.

If you want the high end sheen thing such as a C1, then you might consider a Blue Dragonfly. It's got a complex, hard to describe high end that gels with a lot of things including acoustic guitar. I think it'd be a decent VO mic.

BTW, I like your voice. Good luck in the search.
steveanthony said:
I agree with your choices, in that same order. The CAD is only about $80. I like that ALOT! And thanks for the compliment on the voice.

I really love what the Senn. 421 does for my voice... a solid VO performer and a occasionally a decent vocal mic. I checked out your website... nice stuff, and seriously I love the voice. It's easy to see how you could make a living with that voice. :)