
Dave, I've used a SM58 and Beta 58a with my MR-8. So far I've been unable to use the SM58 (even though I like the warmer sound), but can't get the levels high enough without getting too close to the mic. And, of course, this causes you to have the proximity effect which is really prevalent with a SM58. The Beta is a hotter mic and there is still proximity effect, but not to the extent of the SM. The Behringer mixer will help you tremendously. As a matter of fact I saw a thread on another board not too long ago about low end mic preamps. The guy tested many and said that the UB series preamps are pretty good for the price.
Did you send me an e-mail? A few other people have said they sent me e-mails today that I didn't get...........gotta check into this!

No, I didn't get any of my e-mails from today. I guess I'll have to go down and feed the hamsters and see if we can get this thing back up and runnin.

I am giving a third vote for the Behringer UB series preamps. To my ears they sound better than my Audio Buddy. They actually add some warmth to the sound While the Audio Buddy seems too clean and transparent.
Preamp for mic

Why wouldn't you be able to set your faders why a preamp? The sound checks might be time consuming...but unless your performing live...ok, Now, I think I am confused? I don't use one...so if you know something that I don't....spill it. Anything to get a better voice on my tracks!
Your vox seem to be ok on the tracks I've heard. You will eventually want to get a pre or a mixer just to make things easier. We discussed this sometime back. For now though, I think you're ok.....could be the mic you're using, I dunno.

Don't think So

My main mic rocks...nobody's gonna take it away...you'd have to pry if from my lifeless fingers. It is so clear!!! My problem is that I jack up the faders too much and then tweek the recording too much with bad effects...but I'm still learning.
My .02c, if I can briefly interrupt the filial banter:D

I can't get enough gain out of the Fostex pre's to push an SM58 signal up to acceptable levels, so I share the thinking behind your question and use an external pre. Doing this I think it's probably best to turn the Fostex trim all the way down, so you don't get colouring from two different pre's. (Unless you like the sound of course). Somebody more knowledgeable may like to correct me if I'm wrong.
Garry you brought up something that I have been wondering about. For those that use a mixer or a preamp how do you set the trim on the MR-8?
Gospel - at zero, my friend, all the way to "line" It's a line in you're giving it. Unless you find a different setting you like!! I'm finding that nothing's straightforward in this game. Like for example with my old Berri mixer you had to turn the Fostex trim up a bit to get the input hot enough. Probably not the case with the new UB's which have better pre-amps. But you really want that signal between the two lines on that li'l old LCD. A compressor makes that much easier.

If you want, have a listen to "Rizla" on our NWR page Vella

where the vox are kept fairly hot into the VF80.

Anyway I'm rambling now. Long day and a bottle of red.


You're right Garry, (uh..sorry for the little interlude) I normally set my faders right at zero and control the gain at the mixer. I also record with a flat eq because I can easily eq in the mix.

Track faders or trim knob at zero?

Garry that's a nice tune. Girl has a good voice. I think the vocal sounded better at the part where it kinda slowed down and got quieter. They just seemed more clear at that point. What kind of mic are you using?