

New member
Ok, so I'm trying to record a song right now and have a few questions...

I can notice some sort of an edit in many vocals that I hear. Whether it's Akon (the more obious) or Rihanna, or even Adam Goniter (Three Days Grace)..

Now, I've been told that these are "synths" that clean / do something else to the vocals.. My questions are:

what is it?

How to get such effects?

Can I use it with FL studio?

I do understand that Three Days grace use another type of w/e it is, but I still want to know how to reach such a clean vocal sound..
They probably use pitch correction, EQ and compression, reverb among other things, and they are not synths. Also, they probably double track the vocals along with some panning.

I believe you can get those as VST plugins for FL Studio, just google it and I'm sure you will find something for your taste.

Using those plugins will take some practice but I'm sure if you read around on this forum you will develop the necessary skills. Keep in mind that those artists you mentioned use hardware that probably cost millions of dollars.

Good luck!
Find a Youtube video with the sound you are talking about, give us the link and the exact time in the song where the effect is done...
so what, does eveyone use autotube these days?

Should I use autotune? Will it make my recording sound more professional? I definetly don't want to sound like Akon...
so what, does eveyone use autotube these days?

Should I use autotune? Will it make my recording sound more professional? I definetly don't want to sound like Akon...

If by "everyone" you mean most pop artists, then yeah. I would tell you to use autotune if you want to sell out your individuality and try to be like everyone else...if not, and you don't need it, then don't use it.
I am kinda confused about all that...

Is all I need to recerod is a mic and an interface? Is nothing else but reverb is applied to the recordings?
As an effect, autotune is overused. You're better off finding a personal style.

As a corrective device, autotune is also overused. If you have a scrap of talent, use punch ins to fix bum notes. Keep trying until you get a take that sounds right--and the results will be better (and more natural) for it.